So before reading this, you probably read my punishment post. Here's what else I've been up to this past week.
Honestly, I have been just trying to enjoy my time at home before I move to DC this Friday (aaaaaaa that feels so scary to type out)
I went to Boston a few days ago to see Julianne, who was in the area for a bit. She's been in Costa Rica for most of the summer so it was cool to see her and catch up a little about what we've both been up to. We went to this really good vegan Thai place in Chinatown, I would highly recommend it! They had imitation meat that was really really good and we both got these tasty Vietnamese noodle dishes. It's just called "My Thai Vegan Cafe," next time you're in Boston I would recommend checking it out :^)
Julianne was forced to film my punishment video, and I for one am very impressed by her videography skills. It was also nice because we got to hang out around the public garden a bit afterward. I know I've talked about the public garden before and it really is one of my favorite places in Boston. It's such a good spot to hang out with someone and just shoot the breeze with a friend while watching the ducks.
Yesterday, my sister and I went back into Boston again. This time we hit up this comic book store that Caitlin recommended to me. It's called Comicopia, and it's on Comm. Ave. It had a really big selection, about half manga, half western comics/graphic novels, and the staff were super nice. Also I thought their Gundam chalk drawing outside was super cool :0

(also on the walk there we walked past Caitlin's old BU apartment and I got really emo...)
My sister decided that she wanted to buy me something "good" and something "cursed" before I left for DC, and now that I've been getting more into comics and starting to watch some anime again, she decided she was going to get me something anime-related.
For a "good" item, she got me this Spirited Away cup that I've wanted for a long time, I was very touched :')

To find our "cursed" item, we went to this anime store in Boston, called Anime Zakka. They had figurines and photocards with Love Live characters on it, and some surprisingly nice enamel pins, but we decided nothing was cursed enough (except maybe a Death Note bucket hat with "L" on it), so we went to the original Newbury Comics on Newbury Street instead. Eventually, we decided to get these figurine boxes where you don't know which character you'll get. She got Sailor Moon (because she's been rewatching Sailor Moon recently) and I got Naruto.
I think it was a decently "cursed" gift because when I opened the box, I discovered that I got...

It made me think of this TikTok.
Colleen got an exclusive rare version of Sailor Mercury tho!! She made fun of me when I told her Sailor Mercury was my fave Sailor Scout when we were kids ("That explains so much" I still dk what that means ://)

Anway, after all that, we were just sitting together in Fanueil Hall and we were both talking about how much we love Boston. No matter how many times I go, I still think it's the most beautiful city, and I love even the most touristy parts. I went to Boston a lot this summer, and got to know more of the city than I used to, and it only made me love this place even more. I'm going to miss home a lot when I'm in DC, but I'm glad that I'll always have somewhere so great to call my almost-home (I know I'm not really from Boston...)

Next time I write you I will be in DC, in my new apartment! It's pretty crazy!! This summer flew by but I had a great time and got to see so many friends and do so many cool things. I'm going to miss you guys a lot this semester but I hope the start to Junior year is a smash for everyone. The other day Aboni posted something on Snapchat about how we're already halfway through Smith and it really just hit me all of a sudden...I can't believe how fast college is going by. I'm excited to make more memories alongside you guys, even though we'll be far away this year. We've got two years left, let's make the most of them :^)
On a final, unrelated note, my Spotify recommended me Rina Sawayama a few days ago and I've been kind of obsessed. This song, Cyber Stockholm Syndrome, is one of her most popular tracks I think and it's one of the best songs I've heard in a long time 10/10!!
That spirited away cup is soooo cute and my fav scout was sailor mercury too :-0 as well as Jupiter I think ... I though sailor Mercury’s computer thing was cool bc it looked like a ds. And yeah, b town is actually pretty cool! And yesssss rina is good. Flicker is a bop as well 😍 good luck moving!!!!!!!!!
Haha, I love the tiktok. It’s great!Have you continued watching Naruto and learning the handsigns?? Also, your sis seems to always speak the truth. Whatever she says, is always right: her third eye is open. So if she says you liking Sailor Mercury makes then it makes senses. Periodt ;P