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Ice Fishing for Foreigners

Writer's picture: Erin WalshErin Walsh

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

Okay! I am not late on posting for once ;)

This weekend I knocked one more item off my bucket list as promised: 50. Go to a local festival, because this weekend Fulbright took us to the Hwacheon Ice Fishing Festival!

I was actually really excited about this when they told us we would be going, because I learned about this event in my Korean class at college once and it sounded cool. Hwacheon is in Gangwon province in the northeast-most part of South Korea, actually quite close to the DMZ. And they hold this festival every winter. Hwacheon is famous for its fishing along a river that runs through it, especially fishing for the sancheoneo fish, which is a kind of trout.

We woke up bright and early on Saturday to take a 3 hour bus ride to Hwacheon, and then they set us loose. The festival was really fun and I got to eat lots of good food, which I will highlight with some pictures below. We also went ice sledding on these little scooters that reminded me of elementary school gym, regular sledding on this hill that was kinda scary ngl (especially because at that point I thought my toes were gonna get frostbite), and of course, fishing! I did not catch a fish sadly, but a couple of my friends did.

Anyways, tomorrow I finally get my placement!!! I have been joking that I am going to get placed in this one city that I am now randomly invested in, but to be honest I'm pretty open-minded about my placement, so I'm excited to get to research it after I find out. I'll just end my post with some other random photos and food (I finally went on a real walk around campus to take pictures with my roommate, so I can actually show you guys what it looks like now).

That's all, I think! Life is kinda weird, making friends is kinda confusing, 한국어 is kinda 어려워요. But all in all, I think I'm doing okay right now. The real test is still coming though right? ;-;

Also I'm starting to think about what I should give up for Lent...any suggestions?


Feb 16, 2023

Alsoooo what’s the Korean you typed?? Idk what you should give up for lent: what has been your idol/what’s been consuming a lot of your time/thoughts lately?


Feb 16, 2023

The little scooter thing looks like a lot of fun (tbh, as I’m getting older I’m realizing kid stuff is highkey kind of fun)!

The food looks so good! Especially that fish :0

The campus is so pretty as well, especially in the snow. Though the temperature thing is kind of scary 💀

I’m glad your making friends dude!! Idk them, but from the short video that seem fun :D


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Feb 02, 2023

@aboni: in general i feel like i definitely could have just brought more stuff bc i packed so light, but there's been nothing so far that i am seriously missing. Occasionally I'll think of something but it's generally small things like toiletries that I was planning to buy here anyway.

Maybe a better adapter bc i forget how clunky one of mine is and it keeps falling out of sockets -_- so i'll probably end up buying a Korean phone charger at some point but oh well.


Feb 02, 2023

The photos 😭, i need them…s. Korea sens so cool and like it’s treating you nicely. All that stressing for nothing :p

Do you feel like you forgot anything from home to bring?



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