So I found out that I would be returning to my site on Friday. And so I spent my last couple of days in PP doing some touristy stuff. Tried some jack fruit tacos and a margherita, went to the top of Wat Phnom Penh (the place that started PP as a city, it was a little underwhelming lol), went to a really fancy spa, and took a 6-hour ride back to Siem Reap (almost crashed into a cow too).
But since I got back, I discovered a butt load of spiders waiting for me. It was horrifying, luckily my host sister got a broom and swept them away. Unfortunately, because I was gone for so long the water in the cistern that goes to my bathroom was empty, and I was a bit annoyed since I had to do an everything shower without running water. But now I'm clean, my room is clean, and my laundry is clean. I've started doing some content review for the MCAT and lesson planning and giving myself time to slowly readjust to life at site again. The biggest issue for me though is the lingering pain, but I think it'll go away. At least, I hope it will. Since coming back though, I went on a little day trip around Siem Reap, ate some pasta, almost pooped my pants, and saw the Tonle Sap. I also got invited to go pick some mango at my co-teacher's farm, and I'm really hoping I will be feeling better in order to take this opportunity. I've always wanted to work on a farm, and to do so while picking my favorite fruit will honestly go down in my books as one of my fave experiences while in the Peace Corps.

I love the piccies!! It looks like you are having so much fun :D
And I hope you poop your pants one day so we can be twinnums 🤪