As a kid, I always really wanted a dog but as I've gotten older I think that desire's waning a bit. Dogs are pretty cool though. They just seem to love people unconditionally and what's better than that? They're also so smart. The other day I watched this video where this guy pretended to fall over and the dog went to check if he was okay and then started barking for help. He was okay of course but I thought it was nice that the dog showed so much concern and then could get help if he needed it.
If I were to get a dog I think I would want a medium or large sized dog. Like a shiba inu or a pitbull. But I also think greyhounds and Great Danes are cool.
I swear Great Danes are like small horses

That's all I got this week! Have a good weekend everyone :)
Hello, Emma from the future here. I've been clearing out all my old school stuff and I found my take on doggos in 2009 and I thought I'd put it here:

@naoni my love for Great Danes and pitbulls are newer developments so that's fair. but now I'm curious what kind of dog choices did you think I would make?
omg. idk if your Great Dane theory is correct but I could totally see that. if that's not the reason it should be because that makes perfect sense lol.
yeah in 1st grade my teacher made us all learn cursive so throughout elementary school I did a lot of cursive
I can’t believe you dog choices, I would have never taken you for a Great Dane or Pitbull kind of gal. The greyhound and Shiba Inu fit you though. Also, you know what has been bothering me lately: are Great Danes called “Great Danes” because they are big like the human Danes??? I plan to look into it at some point but haven’t gotten around to it. Anywayyy, I like your diary insert. It’s pretty cute (I like the end: “money is not an issue” 😂😂). I can’t believe you wrote in cursive though, that takes some sérieux skills yo!
Great danes are undersized horses!!!!