Aghhhh I'll admit I'm a bit annoyed.... I wrote out this longish reflection, and now I see that Wix has eaten it up :) I don't think my thoughts sounds as good the second time, but alas, I think this post if any deserves it.
So it seems that we're at the end of the line, folks. It's been a phenomenal experience, and I'm so thankful that you guys took this journey with me <3. I think above all, it was good for me to have accountability. Left to my own devices, I'm a master of procrastination ( I swear I'll read and comment on all the posts that have piled up for me !) so it was a good thing to have the looming threat of demerits. I'll only brag once, but this means that I've successfully won the no punishment challenge :D I knew this year would be special and ~transformative~, but I don't think anyone could've anticipate the later bits. I think it's cool how we were able to document a moment in our lives we'll probably never forget. That may sound dramatic, but beyond going abroad, I think a pandemic of this scale qualifies as a "memorable event" if any.
I've loved doing the themed posts, and it gave me a chance to share things I might not have otherwise. Still, unlike some of you, I didn't really keep you all updated about my life over the summer. To be fair, there hasn't been much to it. The months came and went, and I definitely have had time to chill out. It's crazy because during sophomore year, I remember worrying that life would just be go go go until I settle into a career. Life can surprise you and sometimes you don't have a say in it.
This summer, I've mainly been doing things I normally don't have time to do like playing video games, watching a lot of movies, baking, and crafting. I can't help but wish I'd done more, but I still think I did a fair bit. I practiced and learned new skills, which is always rewarding. This week, we're wrapping up the Praxis project I've been working on. I'm happy with how it's all turning out, and I definitely learned some cool history about Paris. When I go back, I think I'll have a greater appreciation for the things I see around me. Other than that, I started volunteering at Red Cross blood drives (nothing too serious, just checking people in and taking their temperatures) and being an online ESL tutor.
With my personal projects, I've notices that, given many months, I cycle through moments of intense engagement then nothing at all. Like I'll write/respond to tons of letter then not be able to pick up the pen for weeks on end after. Or I'll watch no movies for a few weeks then 5 all in one night. I wish I could be more consistent, but I guess in the end I still am doing something, just maybe not in the best way.
Looking forward to this coming fall, I'm nervous for classes. I feel like I haven't been in school for a year+. The classes I took abroad were sometimes challenging and not easy, but they definitely weren't on par with Smith rigor (which is good or else I wouldn't have enjoyed any time there lol). I'm just praying that my high school academic motivation will kick in Tuesday, which is likelier than you'd think considering I'll be at home. Once I get into the swing of things, I'll be sure to do an update :)
To end, here are some photos of said projects and some other miscellaneous bits

I didn't bake all that much, but this cake was so fun to decorate and makes me want to do more!

The first crochet project I did! The video I learned from said this is inspired by a cardigan Harry Styles wore haha. I don't care too much for him, but I gotta admit it's a cool design.

My latest creations

Me taking a photo of my mom taking a video of stephanie leaving back for DC

Those of you who are Christian and take communion might get a kick out of this one. So my family has been going to church service every week, but because of COVID and the church actually being renovated, they've been having it outside/streamed. Also for safety, for communion (which is usually bread/wafer and wine/grape juice), people are supposed to bring their own food and drink. My mom brought a bottle of ramune for us to share as the blood of Christ 😇

And this is a photo of me and my wisdom teeth before they got removed. Good riddance!
Ok, that's all for now mes amies <3 we'll without a doubt be keeping in touch and I expect to hear from all of you regularly. I'll do my best to do the same (since you know I'm not the best about it) XOXO
I love your cute purses you crocheted how long did it take you to these? Also you seemed to be a very busy lady! You had 3 jobs this summer and finished them all. I’m begrudgingly glad you won the “challenge” and hope this blog doesn’t just die. Anyway glad we started something in an weird part of our lives and able to document it all.
This was so cute and wholesome: I love all your projects especially the cardigan and little rabbit bag! Also, I feel you on the whole “Not doing anything for weeks and then doing everything all of a sudden in like 2 days”. It’s weird, but honestly that’s the only way I can get my best work done (probably why I am not too good with school). Anyway, it’s been real and I hope to hear some updates some time :D