(idk what the title means either, no further questions pls)
Hello again friends, quick post today!
I moved in to my new place in DC three days ago and have been getting settled a little these past few days.
Move-in has been a little rough to be honest, me and my housemates are trying to figure out some kinks with our place (shower has been having some problems, so we had to take showers with a bucket of warm water from the faucet today), but hopefully everything will start to feel more comfortable by next week!
Also work starts tomorrow and I'm pretty nervous! It feels weird that my semester is starting but I'm not just going to a class like regular. It's a whole new ballgame, and I really have no idea what to expect. I'm pretty excited to get in to some of the museums finally though!
I don't have pictures unfortunately, but my dad and I walked around the American History Museum a little the other day, they have all the state flags out front (+ DC and Puerto Rico), and that makes me pretty happy, that I get to work somewhere surrounded by different types of flags :-)
I haven't had a ton of time to explore just yet (though I did go walk around Union Station and the Capitol a little yesterday! This man asked me for directions to the Supreme Court and I was like bro idk, and he was like trying to show me his maps on Google maps and I was like bro u could literally tell me any building is the Supreme Court and I'd be like oh cool) Hopefully next week I'll have more to talk about but for now I'm kind of just waiting until work begins!
Oh and my Metro review so far is that the trains are really nice but run a little infrequently and also there's a weirdly long gap in between when the train stops and the doors finally open. A very interesting metro, excited to explore more next weekend. Also all the indoor stations seem to have this same ceiling, which gives me big dystopian vibes (feels kind of like No. 6 to me)

Hope you're all having good starts to your semesters :^)
Record short post from Erin :-0 Washington DC!!! This is so exciting!!! Ready for u to embark on this journey and see all the museums and flags
Omg No. 6, such a great anime :’)