Okay!! I am fighting the urge to do another non-post because I'm tired again, but a lot actually happened this last week so I will not do that.
For the most part, my day to day has been pretty busy with work and although I've gotten a bit better at the sleep schedule, it means going to bed pretty early so I end up tired right when I get home. But work is good! I probably won't be there too much longer honestly because I Finally got an update from Fulb***** with our departure dates and some other info and apparently we have to do a 120-hour TEFL course online Before departure, so I think I'm going to spend the better part of November working on that. It's starting to feel really soon I'm excited but freaked out!
This weekend, Kyra I bopped down to NYC to visit some pals -- Rachel (maybe you guys know her), her sister Mary, and Emma (you guys may have heard of this cat too).
On Saturday, we went to the Cooper Hewitt museum -- Kyra's friend has an "in" there so we were able to get free tickies. This museum was acquired by the Smithsonian so of course I wanted to go already, but I was really curious about it because it's a "design museum" and I was curious about what exactly that meant. Turns out, it means a whole lot of different things. One of the exhibits was about "Designing for Peace" and it talked about a whole bunch of different topics, from architecture, to art pieces, to cooking, and designing a community response to a crisis. They also had an exhibit about the pandemic with different technology designed in response to epidemics. It wasn't really what I was expecting (I was picturing more like rooms full of fancy chairs) but I really liked it!
Afterward, we went to the Lexington Candy Shop, a misleadingly named diner that makes Coke "the old fashioned way" (sans cocaine). I got a cherry coke float and it was a pleasant drink, though I can't say it changed my world. Still, having a coke float in a diner is a classic experience I must say. They also had a lot of special coke bottles in the window. Later in the day, we went to KTown for Korean Fried Chicken and went to this Japanese goods shop called Teso's that sells blind bags. Kyra and I got a Snoopy-themed one and Rachel got a Sonny Angel (I'll let her post that pic if she wants).

The following day we met up with thee Emma S. at a cafe in the Lower East Side, had some PSLs, went to a boutique clothing store that had some cool but kinda pricy colorful clothes, and went to this bookstore called Jackson McNally. Rachel and Mary showed me this place last time and I think it's really cool -- this time I realized that they actually published this special edition of a book I bought a while back! I felt bad because we didn't get to spend that much time with Emma because we had to catch a train and she came a long way, but she said we were close to her job that she commutes to regularly anyway. Still, sorry to skirt out so quickly Emma ;-;
I'm skipping over a lot of stuff, but really it was just fun getting to see some nice people and experience new things! I miss my friends!!!!!!!

Ah, but the reason we had to leave in a hurry was to pick up our kitten!! Kyra's parents' neighbor found this feral cat in her yard who gave birth to a litter a couple months ago, and the kittens are finally old enough to be adopted. We picked up two kittens on Sunday, one for us and one who is going to be adopted by one of Kyra's classmates. Our cat is the little orange one and we are naming them Tomato! The black cat doesn't have a name yet, but I started calling it Eggplant to keep the vegetable theme (It was kind of this shiny black/dark brown color and for some reason the shininess made me think of an eggplant lol). We don't know their genders yet, but we will find out when Kyra takes them to the vet hehe.
Anyway, I spent most of Sunday evening and Monday just hanging out with these cats. They were really anxious at first and have been slow to warm up to us, so we just sat with them for a long time. But slowly they became really playful (at least with each other) and started running all around. Still, they don't really want to interact with us too much right now, though I can play with the black cat a little bit and they started walking on me a couple times. Tomato is really shy so far. We hope they'll come out of their shell once they feel more comfortable, but I think it's okay if they're just a shy cat. I've never spent so much time around kittens before and it was fun to watch them explore and play. We'll see how caring for little Tomato goes!
@naoni idk too much about that but cat penises are like...inside i guess kyra told me,, i think they only come out when they need them lol. and they were so little that it just like. wasn't feasible. but the vet checked and he's a boy lol. And it was for coffee! It was just in a cute bottle :')
@aboni Hotlanta wasn't enough for u smh -_-
Teheh, the little kitties are so cute. Idk, but I feel like kittens and cats are two different beings-- like I feel like kittens are so much weirder than cats and they are always much more alert/present than cats. I like the name Tomato tho! Alsooooo... why don't you just check the genitals of the kitten real quick. Like you can just pick it up and lay it on its back on your arm and check? And it's intersting that you refer to the kitten as "they", I was just talking to Sebastian and his bf about this-- we call it "it" unless we know whether it is a girl or a boy.
I love that you all are hanging…
you've been hanging out with so many cats :p...ugh I wanna be a NYC girly looks like so much fun and so much to do. Being so close to such a cool city is such a gift