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Thoughts on Ships


This past weekend I got to see the one and only Clara :) who was nice enough to come to Queens (in the morning!). We walked around my neighborhood, and talked about life, and enjoyed the unexpected sunshine. Overall, it was a nice little hang out that really filled my bucket. Also, this is a small thing but I'm constantly impressed by how amazing Clara's directional skills are. Even though she's only been to Forest Hills a handful of times, she basically knows where everything is.

this is not from Saturday but this is Clara

I don't have much to say about this week's theme other than I miss my friends. I've been regularly talking with some of my abroad peeps which has been nice. And we're currently in the middle of watching the movie Her.

Some other things from this week:

  • The day I saw Clara, I also discovered that my neighbors have raspberries growing in their front yard. I don't think they've been picking them because there seemed to be a lot of red ones and I kind of want to pick them if they're there the next time I walk by.

  • We found out where all the ants have been coming from. Earlier this week, my dad opened our windows in the living room, which we don't usually do because there are bushes covering them (not super conducive to air flow ya know). And he said there was a whole bunch of them living in that space between the window sill and the screen on one of our windows. He also said they were on top of all of these things that looked like grains of rice which were most likely ant eggs as they seemed very protective over them. Needless to say, we shoed them away and squished all the ones that tried to come inside. We've put down some cinnamon so hopefully that helps.

Sorry that this was mostly off theme. I feel like I haven't been socializing very much lately but just know if you're reading this I'm thinking positive thoughts about you.

And while we're on the topic of friendship something that I just thought of is a while back Caitlin sent me this article about these three friends who used to keep into contact by telling each other the most "mundane" things about their life. I'm not doing the article justice with that explanation, but anyways I do think friendship is very much like that in the sense that I feel like some of my closest relationships are with people who I can talk about nothing with. Because a lot of times the things that we classify as "nothing" or "mundane" are actually everything. And chances are the people who show up to talk to you about nothing are the ones who are there for the big things as well.

But also, friendship is more complex than this.

Anyways, have a good weekend everyone :) hope you're hanging in there


Aug 15, 2020

idk if you guys will see this but in case you need something to read here's the article:


Jul 11, 2020

Share the article please i would love to read and yeah mundane moments are truly what bring people together. I remember having to drive to pick my mom up for a summer almost everyday and I would say those rides are what solidified my relationship with my bestie :). Oh and the hot summer days I spent at Smith last year just chilling watching netflix with Rachel and doing random weird stuff made me feel closer! I mean there are other moments like doing homework in your(Emma) and Naoni and Erin’s room not really doing work but just breathing and chilling and seeming mental refuge in y’all’s room...mundane but fond memories for me 😇


Jul 11, 2020

Doooode! I agree, doing nothing/ “the mundane” with your friends are probably the most abundant (and honestly best) memories. Because at the end of the day, that is what life is for the most part. And it’s only the peeps you are around that make those mundane moments significant and unique/special. You should the article too :D



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