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Writer's picture: Erin WalshErin Walsh

Sorry for the lack of posts friends, I've been feeling a wee bit overwhelmed even tho I am Still unemployed and adrift :')


A lot to catch up on this time then!! Two weeks ago as you all already know, Kyra got into Yale !! She is 99% going to go there, but she is waiting until she visits this weekend to make her final decision and withdraw her other acceptances. I'm very proud of her :D We went out to omakase to celebrate.

very yummy, surprisingly cheap omakase in brookline. kyra didn't like the plum wine bc it tasted like juice so i drank it


Last week, I went to Northampton to visit my '22 friends, Laura and Emma, for their Spring Break. I did the D.C. Program with them, so we wanted to pop back down to Washington, D.C. for a couple days to visit our old haunts. I was shocked to discover that my One Card still lets me into buildings and that I still have meal swipes, so life hack I guess. And we stopped by the bulb show before we left campus :')

On Friday, we took the Amtrak down to Philadelphia, where Emma is from, to spend a couple nights there. I was excited because it was my first time in Philly!! I've always wanted to visit :') and while we were there, you know I had to see miss Clara. We met up at this place called Reading Terminal Market (fun fact it was featured in National Treasure). It's kind of like Chelsea Market in New York but a lot more crowded together I felt. It was cool to walk around and see all the different food vendors and people, but also a little bit stressful because mask mandates are going away right now in America and only about 30% of people were wearing masks. Still, we had a nice little lunch and then walked around to see some sites in Philly, like the Liberty Bell and the Museum of the American Revolution (and, of course, Benjamin Franklin's toilet).

me and clara and some bell i guess

Also Emma's house was really cool! Her dad is an artist and she showed us his studio, with all these sculpture pieces he's made. He wasn't there that weekend so we didn't get a chance to meet him, but he is surely a legend. Also, they had these marionettes that were made by their family friend that I really liked. They're of the artist's mother and father I think (maybe grandmother/grandfather I can't remember lol) who were a seamstress and a pie deliveryman, respectively :') I got to operate them for a little and make the puppets walk while Emma's mom cleaned them off. It was a blast.

feat. emma's sweet dog jamie :')

Overall, we had a real good time at Emma's house, she and her mom were very kind to us and helped show us around the city even though we were only there for a day. So yeah, Philly was great and I would love to return someday :')

On Sunday, we left early in the morning for D.C. on the train. We got there too early to check into our hotel, so we just dropped off our stuff and headed to Georgetown to go to the Flea Market. There, we caught up with Corrina (of movie club fame) and walked around a bit. We got lunch at this Mediterranean place and I also tried Turkish coffee for the first time (which I did not really love lol, but I mostly just like sugary coffee hehe) And then we hit up our first museum -- the Arts and Industries Building.

I was really obsessed with this museum when I was in D.C. because it had been closed for over ten years. It used to be, like, the main Smithsonian museum back in the early 1900s and it had all sorts of stuff, but then the old building became sort of decrepit so they had to close it while they worked on renovations. This year, it finally reopened with the theme "Futures." It's kind of like a World's Fair exhibit, with all sorts of tech and gadgets meant to help us imagine what the future might look like. To be honest, it was pretty corporatized (sponsored by Amazon...) and we had a lot of critiques, but it did kind of make me think of how old World's Fairs used to be, and they did have some cool exhibits. Mostly, it was just great to get to be in that old building. It's still kind of decrepit and some places were clearly in the process of being renovated, but I'm really happy it's open again!

That night, we also went to go see a move at Landmark on E, the place I used to go in D.C. (where I saw Parasite for the first time also). We saw The Worst Person in the World, which is this kind of romantic comedy/drama from Norway. I would highly recommend it, I think it would have been a good movie club pick back when we did Scandinavia if it had come out back then :')

I'm getting tired and this post is getting too long, lol, so I'll try to pick up the pace. On Monday, I met up with my old supervisor from the archive, we bopped around the American History Museum, and stopped at the National Gallery of Art (but only one half was open). Then, we met up with Kira (from Capen) for dinner because she just moved to D.C., and we walked around where Laura and I used to live, plus the Supreme Court and the Capitol.

On Tuesday, we met up with our intern coordinator from the museum in Maryland. Then, in the afternoon, I went to see Hana from Smith and her gf in Alexandria, Virginia. I don't really have any pictures from this day, but old Alexandria was really beautiful and it was nice to catch up with them :') We got dinner with Corrina in Dupont Circle one more time, and then our trip in D.C. came to a quick end.

I got home on Wednesday night after an 8 hour Amtrak ride, and since then, things have been relatively uneventful! Until...

Last night, when tragedy struck. Kyra and I were supposed to go to a Mitski concert in Boston, which we had been looking forward to since November. But about 20 minutes before we were supposed to leave, we got a notification saying that the concert had been cancelled bc someone in Mitski's tour got COVID. We are waiting to see if/when they will reschedule it, but I kind of assume it's going to be when I am in Europe. It's a bummer bc last month I was supposed to see Courtney Barnett, but that also got cancelled bc she got COVID and they couldn't find a time to reschedule.

But anyway, we had energy still so we decided to try this bar in Boston called VERSUS, which is video game themed and has arcade games. It was 5 dollars for unlimited play, but I kind of wish they had a better selection of arcade games...Still, we had a fun time playing Galaga, Frogger, and Skee Ball :')

All in all, a good couple weeks. Hoping to hear back from some fellowships soon so I can now how to plan for the next few months, looking forward to seeing you all very soon hopefully :D


Mar 24, 2022

:0000 you did so much!! I’m glad you got to see some fellow Smithies, it’s crazy that there are so many around the DC area (I wonder what’s in the water ;P). And I love all the photos, my fav would have to be you in front of the building posing on all 4! Hopefully, you’ll get to see Mitski. I am going to pray that you see her before or after the trip. I feel like watching her live would be a beautiful experience :)


Mar 24, 2022

Omg, miss globetrotter ! Philly looks cool, and I'm ashamed to say it...but I've still never been to DC I wanna go so bad tbh. But you met up with so many people, which is really cool. Idk you still spoke with Kira (from Capen) and Corrina, I'm glad you got to see them. I hope they're well. I love all the pics and can't wait for the next post!



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