Hi Everybody. My fans and detractors.
I hope some of you have seen, but I'm trying to do a better job about commenting and responding to people's stuff on the blog, and I'm really going to try to hold myself to this!!
Sorry for being absent, I've just been having a difficult time recently and struggling a lot with Big Miss D (Dee Pression, for those who don't know). In general, I think I've just found the prospect of talking about myself or hearing about other people's lives overwhelming because I've been feeling pretty detached from my life. I've also been struggling a lot with fatigue this past week and have felt basically exhausted despite getting a full night's sleep (and not oversleeping either). So, I'm going to work on developing healthier habits to try to counteract these things, and part of that is trying to be a better friend I hope. Sorry for being absent and thanks for always being patient with me friends, I appreciate you and am grateful you all have shared so much of yourselves on this blog <3
Anyway, part of the reason I've been feeling bad and I don't remember if I've really talked about this on here yet, but I'm supposed to have a summer job working at the same place as my dad (real fans know). My dad was helping me get this job (nepo.tism alert), but basically I thought I was going to start at the beginning of July if not sooner and it just hasn't happened -- and now summer is like half over. My dad said everything has been approved and they even have my pass for me but apparently the M*** HR is really bad right now because a bunch of people quit during the pandemic, so it's taking months for people to get hired. I've been really anxious because while I'm very fortunate to not have to pay rent at home, I haven't made any money for the past year and being unemployed for ~7 months is not what I had planned for 2022. I wanted to take a break but I didn't think it would be this long. There's pretty much nothing I can do about the job it seems until HR contacts me, but it's definitely been making me really anxious and depressed to feel so uncertain and like I'm just spending money.
This week, I did do a quick gig for GPI, and I'll literally make $20 dollars (before taxes) from that lol so at least I'm on my grind somehow. I might look into doing online tutoring to make a couple bucks also but we shall see.
Kyra is moving to New Haven very soon, which makes me both :( and :). She moved most of her furniture with a couple of her strong male friends this weekend, and then in a couple weeks she is going to officially move out of Somerville, and I'm going to go with her to help her get settled and maybe explore her neighborhood a little. Supposedly, she'll be living in the Gayborhood of New Haven, but we are skeptical that such a thing really exists in such a little city lol. Still, maybe we'll make some cool gay friends!
Catching up on stuff from last week, I actually had a pretty eventful week so it's unfortunate I forgot to post. On Saturday, I went to visit my friend Laura who lives north of Boston, and she showed me around her town a little. Then, in the evening, we went to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to see Wynton Marsalis, a jazz trumpeter who's really famous! It was at this very swanky jazz club in Portsmouth and it was really like no place I'd ever been. Apparently, it's the second oldest steel-frame building in the country, and everyone who worked there seemed to really like the place, which I feel like is kind of rare, but maybe since it was a fancy establishment they had to pretend lol. Our tickets said that our seats were "partially obstructed view" tickets which actually meant that you literally couldn't see the stage because we were on a balcony and behind a wall, but there was a TV screen to watch and it was still really fun to hear a live jazz band play. I haven't been to a jazz concert since I was in D.C. (which I also attended with Laura) and hearing live music really makes me nostalgic and happy.
On Sunday, we celebrated my brother's bday by watching the new Thor movie.. I don't really like Marvel movies but I've had to see many in the past couple years because my gf is a Marvel-head...most of the time I think I can understand why people like these movies even if it's not really my thing, but I really thought the new Thor movie was bad and unfunny, I must say. Kyra made me watch Ragnarok later (by the same director) and I thought that was a lot better.

Later in the week, I travelled to Kyra's parents' house in Connecticut to "help" Kyra catsit their cats, Willow and Percy. Kyra says I behave like a little kid around animals. I didn't grow up with any animals, so I just think they're really neat but I'm also scared of interacting with them. Percy is really friendly though -- Willow is a little more shy, so I left her alone. I think Percy got a little sick of me because I kept trying to play with him and treat him like a dog, but he never got mean. Except sometimes he would do this thing where he would come up to you when you were sitting in chair and grab your shirt and hold on to it. He wasn't being vicious but I'm still really scared of getting scratched by a cat after seeing Julianne's cat scratches, so I would always get kind of freaked out by it.

Anyway, on Wednesday, Kyra and I went to this place in Sharon called Ward's Berry Farm. It's a really cute farmstand in my county and we recently saw a TikTok recommending it -- it's always odd to see places you grew up going to recommended by, like, travel accounts. Last year, we picked blueberries there but this time around we decided to pick wildflowers which was really fun! You got to buy a jar and then they would give you shears to take as many wildflowers as you want. Kyra was really anxious about making our jar look as nice as other people's but I think ours came out great in the end, even though they're already kind of dying. We also went to Crescent Ridge, another Sharon classic from my youth, which is this ice cream shop and dairy farm with cows. Their sizes were absolutely massive -- we got kiddie cups and they were like a pint of ice cream each practically, but it was very good. I don't have pics, but recently my favorite ice cream flavor is called Maine Black Bear -- it's raspberry ice cream with raspberry truffles and chocolate chips. I don't know if it only exists here in New England but if you see it, you should try it!

Ah well, sorry for the long post. Like I said, I'm trying to be better and also trying to work on being less exhausted, so hopefully writing sooner will help me be a better blogmate. Thanks for bearing with me the past few months, friends!
Thanks buddies. Yeah @Aboni I think the blog is a really good thing to have. It's crazy to be able to look back on how I was doing at a random week 2 years ago!
And @Naoni I just got good news re: job hehe but yeah glad to have spent time hanging out even if it was kinda stressful. and yeah i think marvel will die out soon tbh,, they're just rehashing the same stuff and i think eventually people will get sick of it. i get the appeal of superhero movies but it's too much these days lol
And I love you and Kyra’s jar! I thought it looked really cute, but maybe y’all should’ve taken advice from the bouquet master, Emma! Tilly is cute, but she looks like she bites ;P
Yeah I’m sorry your summer isn’t going exactly like you expected, but at least you are still making the most of it but doing fun stuff (like going to Italy and spending time with your gf, friends, and fam). Hopefully, you’ll get that job soon tho and be able to support yourself better and feel like you’re spending your time more “productively” (yk what I mean). Also, idk since I stopped watching marvel due to the pannie, I realized how “bad” they are. Like they are so palpable to everyone, that there’s nothing really endearing or special to it. Plus! The new heroes and the direction the marvel series has recently taken seems to have shifted after the marvel dude…
Ahhh I always love reading your blog post (long or short). It's just nice to see how you doing. I'm sorry you've been feeling p detached (I feel that way too), but the blog actually helps me check in with not only myself, but how my life's going. It's easy to glance over the easy stuff and magnify the bad stuff. But with the blog you get a little more of an realistic (maybe even optimistic) view of what's going on in your life! So I encourage you to keep it up and continue making blog post to just track how you're doing and feeling. And remember most importantly this is just for fun :))