(Jar Jar is not one of my choices)
This week's topic: Favorite Characters
Okay, so to be honest, I kind of struggled with this one too. I don't know that I have many characters. Usually I think I like movies or books for the story, which of course includes the characters, but I don't often feel very strongly about a particular character after it ends. I thought about some of my favorite characters, though, and I guess the most common archetype of character I like is "young, smart, headstrong girl who goes on adventures with friends."
Maybe my favorite character of all time is Matilda Wormwood, especially in the musical version of Matilda, where they really play up her mischieviouness. I think that's another trait I tend to like, when characters have a strong personal sense of morality or justice and follow their own moral compass regardless of what other people/"The System" has to say. These stories have always felt really satisfying for me, especially when for children protagonists. When you're a kid, it kind of just feels like the whole world is against you and no one takes you seriously, so stories about kids making sure cruel adults get their comeuppance have always been my favorite.
I also think my favorite characters tend to be ones that I can see a little of myself in, but also that have traits that I wish I had and kind of look up to in that way. Like Shizuku from Whisper of the Heart. She wants to be a writer and prove that she has what it takes to create something she's proud of, and she blocks out everything else except for her goal. And most of the struggles she goes through in the movie are internal - like, she's worried that she's changing too much and hat the things that used to bring her joy (her books) don't affect her the same way anymore, while she's worried about the future. I can relate to that stuff a lot. But she's also a lot more confrontational and dedicated than I am, and I like she goes off on little adventures when she see something like a cat walking through the streets.

Other characters I really love:
Jo from Little Women

Kiki and Ursula from Kiki's Delivery Service

Yotsuba from Yotsuba and!

Well, that's pretty much all I have to say. I also have a special soft spot from Mr. Fox from Fantastic Mr. Fox. :^) Looking forward to reading your guys' responses to this week's theme~
I don’t know this last guy haha but litchrally all the other ones I love !! We definitely have this in common (the young headstrong gal) Matilda was always a big inspiration for me and part of why I was/am so deliberately for children’s stories and listening to kids and stuff. Also the movie is amazing (obv directed by a Danny devito 😌) Whisper of the heart :’) that’s all
I definitely see the theme of the young, headstrong girl throughout all of your favorite characters. also I just watched fantastic mr. fox for the first time this week and mr. fox is a fun character
I feel the opposite tbh. I love stories for the characters more than the story at times lol. Characters are the most important part of a story imo. Anyway, Shizuku sounds like a cool character I wanna watch the movie now!!
Honestly, I am not surprise by your “type” of fav characters. It seems very in line with all things Erin ;)