Theme: Favorite Snacks:
This theme got me thinking mostly about what I liked as a child that I still think are very excellent so here is a very brief sampling.
These are, like, little bits of bigger snacks. Like, if you've ever wanted to eat Cheez-Its or Graham Crackers but thought to yourself, "these are much too larger, what a hassle," and wanted something smaller than bite size instead. The Cheez-It ones are my favorite. I asked my mom to buy some recently so I can confirm that they slap precisely as hard as they did in elementary school.

A classic. I read somewhere online this week that the creator of Goldfish made them fish-shaped because his wife was a Pisces and I don't know if that's true but it's so cute that I refuse to verify it. I choose to believe it is true. I also often think about that Tumblr post that's like, "I bet if you gave Flavor Blasted Goldfish to a peasant from the 14th century, he'd just instantly die because his body couldn't handle the flavor." And honestly? Me too.
The perfect fruit. The only fruit that can justify calling itself a desert. Wonderful, refreshing, light. I live and die for her.
Chips and Salsa:
Definitely a classic. I have been a tortilla chips and salsa girl since maybe high school, it is definitely my go-to snack, even though I never eat it at school now that I think about it. I usually get the basic Tostitos chips and mild salsa because I you say...boring, but if I can get some pico de gallo, I prefer that. *Confession Alert* I've never made pico de gallo even though I've always wanted to. It's just too many ingredients for one dip so I feel like it's a little outside of my living style at the moment. Someday...
Recently, I am a chips and Sabra singles guacamole girl. I eat it for lunch far too often since quarantine started, which is certainly not good for my nutrition, but it's a wonderful snack nonetheless.
Cosmic Brownie:
I don't know whether Cosmic Brownies count as snacks or deserts, but God I thought these things were a delicacy when I was in elementary school (my mom very, very rarely bought these). Naoni and I used to get these as depression snacks at school and they are still a comfort food for me, a very disgusting comfort food. I used to buy them in anticipation of bad weeks in DC because they're one of the cheapest snacks in the grocery store.

Also, I feel this this definitely doesn't qualify as a snack but Dippin' Dots??? Amazing. Remember when malls used to have Dippin' Dots vending machines? Now, I feel like you can only get them at amusement parks. They're so good though, a true delicacy.
Gripz seem like a fun snack. But your watermelon desert opinion is controversial. Also dippin n dots are so good! I always think about like what they're made of though cause I guess they're ice cream but are they? how do they maintain their dot shape?
I hope the goldfish story is true too, it’s cute! I’m interested in this packaged guac, does it not brown? And same experience with cosmic brownies: my mom for some reason never bought them and only the upper echelon kids had em when I was in school.
we must make pico next year! it's a goal now
it's been confusing to explain but I don't like real cheese (except on pizza) but I love most cheese flavored snacks. I guess then it must be explained by texture. I just made my post so I can't change it but writing this made me remember my other fav snack: pirates booty!!! Anyways, I love that goldfish origin story too :') gonna keep that one in my back pocket
chips and salsa should definitely never be underestimated
and hampshire mall had dippin dots! They're so overpriced but so delicious. Like a fine caviar
These are all fine picks. I feel like you have good taste, but low key the only guacamole i eat is homemade or from a Latino restaurant. I feel like sabra is a little scary also how does it not turn brown... is it really fresh guac?