Theme: Best Memory
Okay, sorry for another quick cop out (still have yet to update last week's post but I promise I will. It's been a weird couple weeks personally and, of course, the last few days have been pretty sensational nationwide, I've pretty much been glued to the news and social media. Hope everyone's doing okay in general)
I don't know about best memory ever, but the first thing that comes to mind was not so much a memory as a feeling I had, maybe a couple months into first year. At that point, I felt like I had really made some friends in the house and I just felt so damn happy that I had lucked my way into this cool friend group of people. I just remember grinning so hard and wanting to write an essay for my new friends or something, like I needed somewhere to put down how happy I was feeling, because it was all just bubbling up in me like so much potential energy.
Growing up and through high school, I had a really hard time feeling like I had friends or people that I could be myself around. Even now, I feel awkward when people ask me about my friends from high school because with maybe 2 exceptions, my friends from high school have moved far away and we don't really keep in touch that great. Throughout high school I never felt that close to the few friends I did have, I pretty much felt like I was on my own.
Maybe it seems like I love Smith sometimes, but I really just feel like since coming to college, I've made some really incredible friends who I've shared a lot of really great and terrible memories with. And maybe I could have gotten that at any other school, but I'm glad that I met the particular group of people that I did at Smith. I'm glad that I've made friends like you guys and some of the readers of this blog (not going to name names because I'm not a snitch) that I feel really close to. I just feel really damn lucky that fortune kind of placed us in each other's orbits.
Anyway, I think about the memory of that feeling from first year a lot. The person I was then had no idea what all was going to come over the next few years, but she felt more ready for it than ever before.

I really like this post. I relate a lot to the feelings you describe regarding the first couple of months of first year. There were so many nice little moments where people could sit and talk and just get to know each other.
Wow, what a beautiful poem. There's this guy who makes these youtube videos where he records images for a specific poem and then has someone read the poem in the background of the vid. This reminded me of the type of stuff he likes to read.
We should all discuss at some point 🤔 But yes! I feel you hard on your memory. Some other people have expressed frustration with smithies in general and how they tend to be. I agree but I’m still thankful that there are certain people that have become super important in my life :) and for that I wouldn’t trade it. Especially coming from a high school experience where you didn’t feel super at ease friendship wise, it can be so exciting and happy to find depth in friendship you didn’t know before <3 Also just read that poem and it is indeed very sweet. Crazy how you have us the experience or reading it for the first time too 😵
Yeeeeah, the news has been wild lately. Personally, it’s really sad to hear the rhetoric around the protests/riots :(. Anyway, I like to hear that you really enjoyed first year. It’s nice to hear you reminisce about it: it’s very wholesome. And I, too, am glad to have met you and have you as a friend too!
I think that poem is cute. But yeah I’m glad to have met you too. Side note: how are you feeling about the protests?