I don't have a favorite movie but off of the top of my head some movies that I like are School of Rock, Gone Girl, Spirited Away and The Glass Castle. As I've said before, I don't watch a lot of movies. But I'm trying to change that because I actually enjoy watching them, it just takes me a bit to get around to them on my own. When I got to college I started a list of movies that I wanted to watch and now that I have a bullet journal I've started updating/adding to it, so maybe that'll help.

Since this week's theme is about movies, I thought I'd talk about a couple of other movies to see if you guys have seen them. The other day I saw something that reminded me of this movie called The Incredible Mr. Limpet. This is a movie that I watched as a kid that I thought was just about a guy who turns into a fish by accident. You know like a reverse Little Mermaid moment, but apparently it's actually about WWII. Basically, the main character, Henry Limpet, is a shy bookkeeper who tries to enlist in the US Navy to impress his patriotic wife. But, because he has glasses they reject him. Then, one day Henry, Bessie (his wife), and George (their friend who's in the Navy) go to Coney Island and Henry falls off the pier. Bessie and George think Henry's drowned but he's actually turned into a fish. As a fish, he meets a girl fish that he creatively names "Ladyfish" and helps the Navy locate German boats using echolocation.

All of this definitely went over my head as a kid, so I might have to rewatch this one. But something that I found funny is that even as a fish Mr. Limpet still has glasses. When I was reading a summary of the plot it said that on his final mission for the Navy Henry gets handicapped because he looses his spectacles, and I just think it's funny that even after turning into a whole other animal his downfall is still his glasses.
A less obscure movie that you guys may have actually seen is The Pacifier.

Funnily enough this movie also has to do with the Navy, but it's not as big of a plot point in this one. I haven't seen this movie in a while either but from what I remember it's about Vin Diesel and the shenanigans his character and these children get up to when he's forced to babysit them.
The reason I thought of this movie is because earlier this week me and my mom saw this car on the highway:
and the whole situation made me think of The Fast and The Furious series. And then I was like what else has Vin Diesel been in?
@erin haha yeah mr. limpet's an odd one. and gone girl is so good but a little intense. idk if we've ever talked about Wes Anderson but I'll add The Royal Tenenbaums to my list :) the only movie I've seen by him is Fantastic Mr. Fox
@naoni exactly! tv shows do feel like like less of a commitment. and zoning out with movies is always my downfall unless I'm at a movie theater or something. but yes I'll get back to you once I watch them. and me and my mom were on our way to Costco when I saw the vin diesel look alike lol. crazy thing is I saw another one of those cars yesterday! idk if…
I feel you on the “getting around to watching movies” thing. Idk, Ik the commitment to watching a Tv series is a lot longer than a movie but Ig with tv shows, I like the idea that I can quit whenever I want and that they are incremental in terms of plot— like I can zone out for 10 minutes and still understand. Whereas for movies, you need to provide 100% of your attention the entire time and there is no “pausing” with movies unless you want to ruin the movie. Anyways, you got a pretty good list of movies dude! I hope you get through them, get back to me with Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, Black, Swan, and…
omg Ladyfish. Wow, I have truly never heard of this movie but now it is at the top of my list. Feels like there's a lot to unpack just based on your description.
Gone Girl's been on my list for a long time, too. Glad it has your approval :0 and ah yes, your movie list. The Social Network is one of my faves that you have on the list already !! Shoplifters and Scott Pilgrim are also favorites. I also think you would like Wes Anderson movies (I can't remember if we've ever talked about them), so I would recommend The Royal Tenenbaums :^)