The last week has been a little stressful tbh because my program sent us our pre-departure paperwork and it was quite a lot to get done, all the medical tests and background check stuff (plus quite a bit of $). I thought I would miss the upcoming deadlines but I actually think I am okay as of today, I managed to get my tests done plus my background check so I just have a couple more things to do (visa, authenticating some documents) and then I will be ready to go! Busy few days but then I should be chilling, relatively anyway.
I have started to think more seriously about packing and figuring out stuff I should buy before I leave. As I am becoming more ~adult~ and have saved a bit of money from my internship, I am starting to think more about what stuff I should upgrade in my life. I don't buy clothes often and when I do I buy cheap clothes that I tend to wear for a long time, but I am realizing that I should probably invest in better pants and stuff instead of wearing distressed Uniqlo ones that have been worn thin by the washer and lowkey have holes or pills on them. I think I'm going to try to thrift more as well and get better quality items. It's kinda sad that 4 - 5 years is "old" for a piece of clothing imo. Anyway, my main goal this month is to get a good quality winter coat, like a down coat. I have never had one and I hate the winters, even after 23 years of living in Massachusetts. It's already freezing here this week! Wish my luck, hoping to get a Black Friday deal this week hehe.
On Friday, I drove up to Northampton with Kyra to visit my friends Laura and Emma. Kyra and I went to the Montague Book Mill -- my first time! -- and ate bagels at the connected cafe. Then we went to the mum show, a Smith classic, and met up with Laura and Emma. Laura and I chatted for a while with one of our AMS professors, who I learned lived on the same street as Kyra and I when he was a Yale student! He told us our neighborhood is protected by the mafia and that's why there's not much crime (I guess they don't like crimes like theft drawing attention to their neighborhood,,,) but he also said he wasn't sure if that had changed. It was quite enlightening. He also told us that old professors when he started at Smith used to tell him stories about getting really drunk and driving their cars into the pond -- ah, how things change!
It was a brief visit because we started getting stressed that Tomato might try to get into human food (especially a covered brownie tray we had forgotten to lock up), so we ended up racing home (he was very good and found all the treats we hid for him around the house, and did not try to eat the brownies!). But still, I was really happy to see Laura and Emma and my professor, and the trip was short enough that there was no time to ruminate on any weirdness re: being back on campus post-graduation.

Then, on Saturday, we drove back to Boston. I am home for Thanksgiving, and Kyra is celebrating with her family here as well, and she wanted to visit some Boston friends. Saturday was also the infamous Harvard-Yale game. Harvard med students rented out this bar in Fenway (where Kyra apparently once saw a girl vomit all over herself and drunkenly ask her friends how she looked -- she was told the vomit was "cute" by her apparently not very nice friends. Kyra said this experience traumatized her as she recounted it to anyone we talked to) for Harvard and Yale med students (ticket sales were messed up this year so no one got tickets to the real event). Yale won! It was weird being at a bar full of med students as a non-meddie, but Kyra's med school friends are nice!

Anywho, that's about all for now. Today, Kyra and I went to our favorite birria spot in Somerville!! We have not found a place in New Haven that lives up yet, but I think we just need to keep looking.

Happy Thanksgiving all !!!
And I feel you on the clothes thing, I’ve been buying clothes but been trying to buy “cheap” quality stuff. Like I am moving away from online shopping for staple items like pants and sweaters and buying them from places like Kohl’s (dad alert), target, Costcos, and thrift stores. But I wanna get into Uniqlo, but I wanna try the clothes on first since I know they fit clothes for smaller sizes.
Dude is that a bag I see?!! You finally got a bag, and a cute tote at that?!!!! But I love to see you trying so many foods, I would lying if I said I wish I could do the same ;). But I promise Birria is good, you gotta try this place in Ga (I literally ate half with Aboni and my socks were so blown off that I had to buy a second one for myself!). The nachos look good but I’m sure they don’t outdo FILO’s kimichi fries 🤪 Idk why, but I always think about you when I think of the Smith mum show, I feel like it is very you vibes (also, if I remember right, you…
@aboni !!!!
Love the last pic, it’s very aesthetic-y. Plus the birria looks good but I gotta a spot you gotta try when you come back to Dacula ;)