Well, finally made it back home. The end of Reunion was pretty good too, and I think it'll feel especially good once payday hits this Friday. Leaving Smith yesterday felt...weird. Caitlin and I kept joking about how it feels like I'm graduating and how I'll never see Smith again, but it is pretty odd to think that it might be a year and half before I come back to Smith if everything goes according to plan. It's not weird enough to be like. Emotional about it, but still. We cooked a decent amount over the course of Reunion. We started with just some rice and friend eggs (that were...pretty sad-looking not gonna lie), then moved on to biscotti - one batch almond, one vanilla. The almond tasted better in my opinion, but Caitlin said she preferred how well the vanilla ones were cooked, since the almond batch came out a little burnt. We also made kimchi-fried rice (needed salt), and Caitlin made a really good omelet. And the best part was we made all this food just using left-over food in the kitchen, food that prolly would have just gotten tossed otherwise.

Also! You can kind of see it in the pic here but me and Caitlin went to the CC with Lactaid we took from Chuckett and asked them to make us coffee milkshakes with that milk and they did it! I was a doubter but apparently Caitlin's stomach didn't react negatively to the dairy because of the milk! And an alum needed dairy-free milk so Caitlin told the CC people they could use the milk! Innovative! And delicious!!
The second to last night of Reunion, I went to Seelye to watch a movie and listen to some music, and this slightly intoxicated alum knocked on the door. I thought it was going to be someone there to tell me I had to leave, but she just said it sounded like I was having a really good time and to wish me well, so I'm hoping that energy will guide me through the rest of the summer.
The weather's been a little warmer these past two days - 80s, warm but not too hot. It feels so nice to be outside again. Today I just went out to read for a bit. And me, Caitlin, my dad, and my sister all played badminton in our yard. The net was pretty dusty - I honestly can't tell you the last time it was opened, but it was great just to do something like that again.
Anyway, there's more to say but I think I'm gonna cut things short this week. It's the first game of the Stanley Cup, so my family is pretty sucked in to watching that (my dad has told Caitlin to say her favorite player is Matt Grzelcyk, who I believe is the only current Bruin either of us can name, but I'm watching it because I want to eat the onion dip). It feels good to be home, and be outside, and feel the sun again, even if I keep risking sunburns. It also feels weird to not be going back to Smith for so long - me and Caitlin keep saying how we think we're forgetting our Onecard when we leave the house - but that's just life I guess!
At the end of the week, we move Caitlin into BU and then the internship phase of the summer begins for her. Not sure what else we're going to do this week, but I'll keep you guys updated :^)
Remy would be so proud
Smith is a bubble for sure it can be nice as you ignore the outside world, but it is also refreshing to leave that bubble as well
Glad to see that you guys made use of our mess of a kitchen and all the things in it. Also badminton! How fun!