Over the years, my MBTI has stayed pretty consistent. I’m an INTP which stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. When put together these four personality traits make up the Logician archetype. Even though personality tests don't really mean anything, I pretty strongly identify with the INTP personality. According to the website INTPs:
May appear to drift about in unending daydream as their thought process is unceasing.This constant thinking can have the effect of making them look pensive and detached, as they are often conducting full-fledged debates in their own heads, but really Logicians are quite relaxed and friendly when they are with people they know, or who share their interests.
Are quite shy in social settings. More complicated situations such as parties exacerbate this, but even close friends struggle to get into Logicians’ hearts and minds.
Tend to be held back by their restless and pervasive fear of failure.
Very prone to reassessing their own thoughts and theories, worrying that they’ve missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that they can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where their thoughts are never truly applied.
Loathe rules and guidelines.
Are slow to make friends, but once the link is made, they will provide constant friendship.
Have unrelenting imaginations
So basically I think a lot! Which I think is an accurate description of me and how I operate through the world. A couple of things that I thought were interesting were the "loathing rules and guidelines" section and, I didn't include much of this in the bullet points, but another main trait of INTPs is that we're these cold–hearted, aloof people.
I wouldn't say I loathe rules or actively rebel against them, but I do think there's some truth there. The way I sort of thought about that section was in terms of societal standards. In high school, in particular, I had a difficult time existing in this larger system and I know no matter where you go everyone is part of some sort of system, but I guess I just mean in this case the school system. A lot of times I felt like in order to "succeed" at my high school you had to act a certain way and that was always kinda hard for me so usually I just wouldn't do it.
As far as the cold-hearted, aloof aspect of INTPs, I don't think I'm like that but sometimes I think people mistake my reservedness for being aloof. I also find it interesting that a lot of INTP traits overlap with Aquarius traits. Aquariuses are also described to be naturally shy but eccentric people who are often deemed cold and insensitive. So, I don't know it all seems pretty cohesive. Anyways here are some other INTPs.

The last thing I will say about the MBTI is the last time I took it, I took it at the Lazarus Center because I was trying to figure out what to major in and I thought why not. When I got the results back it also came with a list of fields/careers that I should consider going into and one of them was education and another one was photography, and I'm sort of doing both of those things.
Something that I've been thinking about lately, which is kind of related to this, is how some of my best qualities are also my worst qualities or feed into my worst qualities. Like constantly thinking for example. At times, that really sucks because I can go back and forth on certain things for hours with nothing to show for it but on the flip side of that it allows me to put a lot of thought into projects/work I really care about. Just some food for thought.
Other things:
Next week is my last week of work and I'm really excited to be done. I don't know what I'm going to do with my free time but I'm looking forward to just having some time to chill and read and sleep in before school starts.
For work we had to look for baby pictures of ourselves because we were playing Guess Who with all the fellows' baby photos. Thought I'd put them here maybe they'll give you a chuckle.

Rt what naoni said. You do think a lot and i like debating with you because you have so many pov and things that you make me think about that in the end you change MY POV lol. I agree with this wholeheartedly and i love the baby emma pics. I feel like we all have one chaotic picture in our childhood photos
Idk, but literally your INTP description is exactly how I would describe you to someone who doesn’t know you. I do think you think a lot, that’s why I am always interested in what you have to say cuz you have so much meta. And your ideas are always unique and your perspective is always from a different pov that I usually never even think to see! Also, I can see the “aloof, cold-hearted” aspect of you. I don’t think you are actually like that but I can see how your thinking a lot can make people think you are un-interested. But que cera, you can’t win em all and you still have peeps that see you for who you…