Erin WalshJul 8, 2019I Have Never Seen Someone Eat a Bell Pepper Like An Apple BeforeThis weekend was busy and bittersweet, buddies. On the Fourth, Caitlin, Karina, Madison, and I met up to go see the Fourth of July...
Erin WalshJul 1, 2019Mooyah Roll Call (And a Clarification on the Cantaloupe Controversy)Hello Friends! It's been a pretty fun week out here in alternatively sunny and rainy Eastern Massachusetts, but I'm going to focus this...
Erin WalshJun 24, 2019Food, Family, and Final DestinationsOn Thursday, I went into the city to eat dinner with Caitlin's family and Anna and her dad. We went to Penang, the Malaysian restaurant...
Erin WalshJun 17, 2019Seaside TownsSo last week ended up being pretty boring. The rest of my family has jobs and schedules (that they need cars to get to!) and I am at home...
Erin WalshJun 10, 2019Taking the TrainSummer is in full swing! :-) This is good because it means I can just relax most days but also I increasingly am losing touch of what day...
Erin WalshJun 3, 2019Elections and Being HomeToday was Election Day in Norwood! Our schools are facing severe budget cuts so we held a special election to vote on a tax override for...
Erin WalshMay 27, 2019Back HomeWell, finally made it back home. The end of Reunion was pretty good too, and I think it'll feel especially good once payday hits this...
Erin WalshMay 20, 2019Breaking OpenEverything feels more possible in the spring. The whole world opens up again.