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Weekend Activities and Work


Updated: Jun 10, 2020

Over the weekend, a tv show was being shot in my neighborhood. It's set in the 1940s, so throughout the week I got to watch the crew transform our block into what is supposed to be old-time New Jersey. They transported a bunch of vintage cars to line the streets and changed a couple of the road signs. Since it rained the last time they shot, they had to water our streets for continuity. Even though it was a big waste of water it was a really cool process to watch! The crew people actually stored some equipment in our house (with compensation of course) which they planned on using for a couple of shots. They didn't end up using any of the stuff they kept in our living room but last time they were here they shot spotlights out of our front windows. I'm not really sure why they do this and why they can't do it from the street but I'm sure there is some method to their madness. I'm excited to see how the final product turns out once it airs. Apparently, Winona Ryder is in it. I haven't seen her yet but I'll keep my eyes peeled.

The rest of my week was mostly filled with work. I've been doing administration stuff for my campsite and planning the summer with my boss. It feels sorta strange to be given this much responsibility but at the same time I know its good for me to be pushed a little. I guess the stressful thing about planning activities for kids is that you can't really predict how it will go. So you can plan and plan and plan and you should plan but it doesn't guarantee that things will run smoothly. In fact, we sort of brace ourselves for things not running smoothly because there are just too many moving parts for that. But I think that's just the way it is sometimes, and that's okay.

The cool thing about my job is that there's a lot of freedom to do what we want. Since the weather has been nice and our office is right across the street from Central Park, my boss and I have been doing our work in the park. That's actually how I ended up with that net that you guys might've seen on my insta story. We have this butterfly catcher net that sits in the office, so when we went to the park we brought it with us to try and catch dragonflies and damselflies. Not just for shigs but because this is an activity we're planning on doing with the campers. I'm super pumped for that day. Just imagine: forty middle school children running around the park with nets. It's gonna be great.

Oh also, the other day we got to pick activities that we want to lead and I picked outdoor skills which consists of shelter building, knot tying, and tent building. I am definitely the least qualified on the staff to teach this because I don't know how to do any of those things, but I'm gonna watch a bunch of youtube videos and then figure it out from there. I picked it because I think it'll be a lot of fun and also in case I ever go on Survivor. But yes, I shall keep you all updated on how that goes.

Now, please enjoy this photo I took of this lady on her sparkly motorcycle-esque vehicle. She is my new inspiration.

This is the life


4 commenti

Membro sconosciuto
03 lug 2019

Also, that lady is you in a few years

Mi piace

Membro sconosciuto
03 lug 2019

That is so cool!! (You should try to walk into their shot at least once and have your five seconds of fame ;P) But I’m excited for you to start working with the kiddos and do all the stuff you’ve been planning

Mi piace

Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
02 lug 2019

That woman is an inspiration wow. Also the old-timey cars look so cool!! Wow that'll probably be really odd/fun to see your neighborhood on screen when the show comes out :0 And also the mental image of those children in the park with the bug-catching nets...I love. By the end of this summer you'll be so equipped to win Survivor

Mi piace

Rachel E
Rachel E
02 lug 2019

woah I wonder which show was being filmed there?? keep us updated! I always wondered how it goes when people film in real neighborhoods /places 🤔 Importantly, did you have any success in catching dragonflies?? That (and the relative size of the net) reminds me of animal crossings :-) Also, I'm sure you'll be able to master all those adventure skills in no time!

Mi piace


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