This weekend was quite the whirlwind swirling and whirling with many friends! There was a concert at Central Park with three artists! I like all of them, but the one I know best is Angel Olsen (real blog fans will remember my post of when I saw her in Paree). So long ago (maybe it was March???) when they announced the concert I jumped on it and invited my Dallas friends because they like Angel too and Erin she because I knew she was a Julien Baker fanatic. It was obviously also just an excuse to have friends visit :D
I was kinda stressed ngl about coordinating everything. Emma and Alexis were taking planes and weren't familiar with the city/transport. But they did great and everything for the arrivals went smoothly! Alexis went from Newark all the way to my apartment (not gonna say where because internet safety! but ifykyk) so I was quite impressed. She came on Friday, so after work we met up and had food and caught up :) The next day I had to go to work for just a moment for something (don't talk to me about it -_-, I basically went an hour+ to go there just for what I went there to do not be there). Then I met up with Alexis in Bryant Square Park. It was such a fun little park! I think that might be my go to now. They had an area you could play board games you borrow for free! And there was a juggling thing going on. It was just a good park :) That's where Erin and Emma and Mary met up with us.
[Alexis alert! The thai food we had was sooo good. I would definitely go back there]

[juggling meetup, I was just an observer... made me want to learn though]
From there we hung out and when it was concert time we headed to Central Park. I usually don't like concerts but this one was good because I was with me friends, I love the artists, it wasn't too crowded, and it was pretty calm. Even for a partially standing concert, it was a fun time (also because I could actually see for the most part!).
After that, we went to eat at Ktown with Mary and Zach for all the kimchiheads. There was one part when we left where there was basically a rat playground. If you want to see a New York rat, I know the spot now.
We were pretty tired after that so that was Saturday! Sunday we had brunch with Mary and a friend of Emma's. We mostly just walked around and looked at shops. At the stationary store Erin had to leave :( There's lots more I want to do with her but she's just a hop and a skip away and has told me she'll be back in the fall, potentially with Kyra! So I like to think it was more of a see you soon :D
[I will use any excuse to have the taiyaki ice cream, they liked it too! Also Emma and I realized we had the SAME glasses. Lookalike moment XD]

[legends only]
[things from stores I thought that were cute]

[at the taiyaki place there was a random parade that went through for Saint Rocco. We realized there was a church next door after some time. But the marching band was going crazy and they had a spinning statue that was pretty cool]
Sunday night we did some spontaneous haircuts. I don't know if you guys know but Emma did a lot of my haircuts in the past. I definitely trust her with the scissors. This time I just wanted her to cut off the bleached ends.... but that ended up being a lot more than I thought it would be. I am now a short-haired girlie once again! I'm happy the ends can be healthy again, and also it's cute :)
[I'll show the new hair laterrrr I'm too lazy to get a pic]
Both Emma and Alexis had a bit of a nightmare with their flights back. They both were leaving Monday. But Alexis had her flight canceled very last minute and had to come back to my apartment because the next one that would work would be Tuesday night instead. A ton of flights had been canceled that night too so it was horrible trying to leave as well. Emma missed her connecting flight in Atlanta, had to spend the night there, and when she arrived in Boise finally her car battery was dead D: . She was driving from there to Oregon, and my mom was able to help her out since we don't live too far from the airport (I don't know exactly what she did but I think it's reassuring to have a mom present in most cases like that anyhow). They are both safe and sound in their homes now! But I felt bad it was so bad. I heard flights have been crazy these past few months, so there you go ! Be careful!
It was a fun weekend, and I haven't seen Emma or Alexis in so long! I'm not such a great long distance friend, but nonetheless, I love my friends very much and I was happy to catch up. I hope I will see them sooner than later! Erin I know will be pretty soon. Until then, it's also a reminder for me to check in on everyone :)
[Miscellaneous pics: Kenzie's cute cat Phineas, Mary and her bday cake that was delicious and passion fruit flavored, Lego appreciation]
Wowie!!! You were hitting streets everyday!! It looks like you are having so much fun! Im glad you got the chance to meet up with your friends :D I can’t believe your friends journeys back home was such a dosie T-T that’s stressful. But at least they are domestic flights???? I love the food pics too, it makes me want to grab em through the screen 😂
the rat playground....hidden gem for real new yorkers. Eek I am glad that Emma and Alexis made it back okay that sounds really stressful!! I'm glad you guys were able to get the Taiyaki while they were there, I think that would make any transportation stress worth it alone (plus visiting their friend Rachel of course)
Excited to see the new 'do next week, and to come back to NYC soon!
oh la la, I can't deny that I'm a little jealous, lol. I wanna hang out and go to a concert with Erin-she and Rachel-chichiue...also that cake looks absolutely scrumptious!!! And you Dallas girlies all look so cute, and I'm glad they made it home safe and more or less sound