I know I've been a bad blogger the past 2 weeks, so I'm going to try and make up for it! Well last week I think I talked a lot but it was a lot of complaining, but I like reading complaint posts so maybe someone appreciates it (sorry for the run on sentence :0) It also bothers me when I don't have a picture as the cover for the post, so I'll have to go back in and add something.
Today was another pretty rough day :( Thankfully there's not too much pressure most days to come to work early, so today I arrived at about 10am. BUT, I left after 8pm, which means I came home after 9pm, which means it is too late for me. I mean, I'm a night owl, but that's more when it come to being at home and having me time. But I think you guys already knew that about me :) Basically I'm in charge of processing spinal fluid in the lab and since there is a clinical trial going on, I'm the one who has to also process the blood and spinal fluid involved in all that. On days where a drug is given to a patient, my timeline is dependent on the timeline of others. So for example, today the pharmacy mixed the drug late so everything was pushed. It's ok for most people I guess because they can go home in normal hours, but for me I have to wait around! Anyways, I'm getting paid I guess. That part is nice haha, gotta look on the bright side.
Last week I felt a combo of the stress of the job plus apartment plus feeling like I have to socialize but also feeling neglectful of my friends. And it was making me sad. This week, I already think I have a better outlook on things. It's still not easy, but I do think with time, I will be in a good place (I'm not in a bad place necessarily now, but ya know, could be better). Today was worse than the other days, but overall it's been a positive trend.
In other news, the other day, my 2 brothers came to the Big Apple. It was originally just supposed to be Aaron but then I guess Simon wanted to tag along too. They've been hanging out with my mom. Uncle Philip is also back in town again. And my roommate/friend Kenzie and her mom are arriving tomorrow. It's really quite a lot of people! I feel bad because I can't hang out as much because of work, but I don't think anyone is offended.
Other than dealing with work and the apartment, my weekends have been really fun I have to say! New York really is a good place to be. There's something to do for all of the girlies.
For the rest of the post, I'll just put some of the photos I've been hoarding.
[just trying to make you guys hungry! Have you had ethiopian food before? Highly recommend. And I missed chicken and waffles so bad]
[Mary is holding this ice cream that was like a wafer shaped like corn and the inside had corn flavor ice cream???? weird for sure but not horrible. idk if I'd eat it again though.The delicious looking dippin dots were even more delicious because they were FREEEE haha. There were a lot of ice cream deals going on for national ice cream day. I'm obsessed with the free stuff here.]
[Knitting progress this month! I'm making a cardigan. I really like cardigans ok!]

[I don't think I shared with you guys, but here is the progress on my room! I think it's a good base. I will definitely want/need to embellish, but that's what I have for the moment :) I've slept here a few nights and it's comfy. I also really like the desk I found! I want to try and repaint it but we'll see when that ends up happening]

[and this was the apartment we first stayed in/my mom and brothers are currently staying in. As you can see, we finally broke down and got a fan. It made things immensely better. I think this was all over the place, but last week was HOT. There's no AC in that apartment so I was always sweating.... I mean when it's unbearably hot I can't sleep, but I was able to sleep so to me it was ok still. My mom decided no though haha]
[just in case you guys forgot what I look like ;) plus to show you I'm alive and well]
[some art around the city. I'm in love with all of the mosaics in the subway. And the middle photo is from the crocs store, it's made of crocs if you look close]

[and lastly, this is my very first attempt at gel nails. I've done nail polish seriously since 6th grade, so it's really new and different to try and do gel! I do really like the durability and finish though, so I'm ready to take on the challenge. So far they've held up]
I'm yet to have Ethiopian food. I need to add this to my list of dishes to try ASAP. Also, I love all the photos, it looks like you're truly living your best life despite all the stress. So keep that in mind! Also, I was hoping to see what books that you're reading 👀... I want to start reading French books again (after literally a year of literally reading p much nothing in French). Oh, and how's your French phone number and bank account. Is everything squared away?!
And I need to try Ethiopian food, I only hear good things about it! I love the corn ice cream tho, I want to try it (maybe if I can get up there, you can take me!). The croc mural is my fav, there should more around the city imo
Thanks for all the lovely pics!! I can’t believe that I have such pretty friends! Let me just give you ONE kiss, Pleeeeease ;P. But I am glad you are still making the most of being in NYC despite all the stress and I’m sure once you get adjusted, things will get better and you’ll figure out how to balance everything :D (don’t get discouraged love, you’re going your best)!