So I feel bad about lashing out earlier, so I’m gonna try to muster up the patience to make this post lol. So last week I didn’t post because we all just found out about all European programs being canceled and being sent home. It was really hectic especially since one of the program director was sick (in an unfortunate turn of events she ended up having corona), so the one that was left was really stressed! I felt bad for her, but the one who was sick I was really worried about because she took care of me while I was sick in Geneva, so I really wanted her to be okay. Anyway for the last two days I had there we went out to eat FOR FREE and got to look around Geneva one last time. I also decided to just pierce my ears. It didn’t hurt, but I heard crunching when I pushed the earring through which was the “scariest” part. Anyway, it was bittersweet to leave. Like i had so many trips planned that I won’t be able to do (ofc I can do it later) that bummed me out, but I was so excited to see my mom, sisters, and niblings. And I really do feel that seeing them made up for whatever study abroad experiences I would be missing. Honestly, quarantining isn’t that bad since my family keeps me occupied. Like rn me and Naoni are learning a TikTok dance and I have been able to complain about all of the drama in the geneva program and hear about the drama in copenhagen. It’s nice to be able to talk to someone who has similar view points and ideologies as myself you know. Also I think I’ve been talking to a lot of people which is nice. This one dude I hadn’t spoke to since like January ft me and I was surprise, but happy to speak to him. And my bubble tea shop man is living his best life Brazil and we have been keeping in contact with one another which is surprising to me! Unfortunately, the biggest puzzle piece that is missing is my bestie :,). Sebastian wanted to go to the mall when I first got here and I had to decline because I’m quarantining, but now he’s in Colorado and idk if we will be seeing each other soon....Oh yeah and the people in my program are rich brats that are panicking about Corona and it’s kind of annoying me. Like if you have corona you have it, you’re young you’ll be fine, but you just need to be careful to not spread it to others. But the hysteria around it is making them lose their minds. Speaking of losing their minds, I went to the doctors when I first got home and like I had a fever if 101.4, but that was my only symptom of Corona, but the doctor kept telling me: you came from Europe, you have a fever, and shortness of breath. I said no I don’t have shortness of breath breath, my chest is tight from an allergy induced asthma attack, yes I come from Europe, but the country I come from actually has low rates of Corona, lower than America, and finally my allergies sometimes causes fevers. She then proceeded to say she understands, but shortness of breath, fever, and coming from Europe makes me a high risk patient. But I reminded her again I don’t have shortness of breath, I’m not even coughing, my eyes are itchy and I have been sneezing! She ignored me and repeated those same three symptoms I got so triggered and stopped talking. Like my mom and I were so mad. I went home took some allergy meds and my inhaler and woke up the next morning feeling one hundred times better. All I wanted was some high prescription grade allergy meds and she was insisting I had Corona. If I listened to her I would dead from my asthma attack. Like low key quarantining is helping save my allergies. I think since I haven’t been in Georgia during spring in a while my body isn’t use to the inches of pollen that cover every surface so I’m actually dying lol. It’s so bad rn that my nose is messed up and I literally can’t taste anything. Like I can’t taste the difference between water and coffee. I ate a chik-fil-a sandwich and ate the pickle (which i never do!) because all I can “taste” right now is textures. Naoni insists this is normal, but I know my body enough to know that this is not normal. Unfortunately, due to corona I can’t go to the doctors unless I have flu like symptoms down here in the deep south ( is Georgia really the deep south though?). four days of quarantining go by and I wake up to fund out one of my favorite aunts just had a stroke and now might have corona. Hopefully with the test results tomorrow she doesn’t have corona so we can go take care of her. My mom is really overwhelmed and stressed because that’s the sister she grew up with and took care of her growing up (my mom is the youngest of ten, so a lot of her siblings are 8, 10, 20 years older than her). I say all of this to say though appreciate your family because you never know when they won’t be around anymore. I know it’s cheesy, but this tragedy made me realize how true it is more than ever. If my aunt wakes up who knows what she remembers and what she’s gonna be capa of doing for herself. Brain injuries are unpredictable. I feel like she had so many aspirations, but she pushed it off believing she had another day and honestly at this moment who knows if she’ll ever be able to even leave the hospital. Sorry about my soap box here’s some photos! (I took a trip to Lausanne last week so there’s also photos of that)

again, je suis desolée for pushing you that one time! But I'm glad to be able to read about how things have been
Did you know not being able to smell is also a sign of corona?! But anyways, I guess you were right about the asthma things... but coming from Europe, even if it was Geneva gives grounds for suspicious I think :/ I'm not saying she was right because clearly it sounds like she wasn't and she should've believed you,,
I'm also sorry about your aunt. Update me with how she's doing??
These are really sweet photos :-) I'm glad you're appreciating your family time and having a moment to regroup
This year can’t do anything but get better
Lovely post (I feel like we already talked a lot about the things you posted so I have nothing of value to really say in this comment T-T)