I'm a big fan of snacks. I like that you can share them. I like that they're usually small or bite-sized. Just all around, I think they're great. One time in high school I remember this kid Ethan was getting heated so our pre-calc teacher told him to "take a walk". So he did. And when he came back he came back with a Dr. Pepper and a bag of Skittles cause he walked all the way to the convenience store down the block. I just remember thinking that is the biggest power move ever and Ms. Lee must've thought so too cause she didn't say anything. No hate to Ms. Lee though she was pretty chill.
Anyways, with that here are my favorite snacks:
Jellies: These things are so good. I like the lychee ones because they have pieces of lychee in them, but the colorful ones are good too. Whenever I get these I always end up eating half the bag because they take up no stomach space.
Cheez-It: I don't have much to say about these. They're reliable and trustworthy. Though I feel like they should be called Cheez-Its with an s at the end.

Gushers: Specifically the tropical packs. Growing up, you were a cool kid if you brought these as a snack. My parents would never buy these for me and my brother, so now that we're adults it always feels like a special treat when we get them.

Pistachios and Sunflower Seeds: Part of the fun of eating these two things is cracking open the shells. With pistachios in particular, I always think they taste better when they still have the shells on them. Also, something I never knew about pistachios until I took horticulture is that they grow on trees and come from the pistachio fruit. They're related to mangoes and poison ivy, which is why some people get the fruit sensation when eating them.
Chips!: These are probably my favorite/go-to snack. Here are some of my favorite kinds though if you put any chip in front of me, I'll probably eat it.
Ah what a sight for sore eyes

Honorable mentions
Rice Crackers: I don't know what flavor these are but to me they taste like soy sauce.

Parmesan Goldfish: I haven't eaten a ton of these in my days, but they are really good.

@ aboni yeah the salt and pepper chips are expensive but why it's just salt and pepper? hmm it seems like a lot of jelly/gummy snacks are choking hazards like Rachel said the jelly cups were also considered choking hazards
@Rachel we should have a snack party!! that would be so fun. I think technically pistachios are seeds bc they come from a fruit. botanically lots of nuts are actually seeds and if they are a true nut like an acorn then it's a fruit. it doesn't really mean anything it's just about their structure but nuts have closed shells and hold some type of seed so think an acorn or chestnuts. I feel like that was a confusing explanation…
I like how chips take up over half of your list, you truly are a chips girl. Your list is pretty good tho, they are all good features! If we do indeed have a snack party, your entire list would fit the party vibe check ;) That fact about pistachios is pretty interesting, I never really thought about where pistachios came from :0
I approve of these snacks! I agree with rachel that we should have a snack party. I really wanna try to lychee snacks if I haven't already....
*pistachio pic ! Not your pick of pistachios
A+ picks !!! We should have a snack party when we’re back at school :D (might not be the most corona friendly thing.... but we can be careful) They should be cheez-its,,and that pistachio pick is a bit unsettling. Interesting how they’re related to mango and poison ivy but have such a hard exterior (wait so are they still technically nuts or what’s the big deal?!) my grandma has a parrot and his fav are pistachios (or at least that’s what we always give him as a treat) I forgot about the rice crackers but yes those are gold