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The World Is Your Oyster

Writer's picture: abonirosemondabonirosemond

Earlier this Corona "Break" Naoni made me take a test about how I perceive the past, present, and future and I soon realized that I don't concern myself about the past of the future since living today is already hard enough. Like the past is something I can't really do anything about, and the future doesn't really exist since it's always relative. Like today could be the future if you really think about it. Also, the future is something that is really hard for me to conceptualize. Like I don't think too much about what I'll be doing in a week nonetheless what I'll be doing in 5 years. So the question "where I would like to live" is hard to answer. I have a hard time with commitment due in part because of my lack of foresight. I'm never sure if I'm making the right choice and since I can't really conceptualize the future I can't even really plan it. The most future I get is tomorrow.

Me living in the present though has it advantage because not thinking about the future helps me appreciate things I see around me today. I wouldn't mind living in Gwinnett County for a while it has a million and one parks that I'm yet to all see. There are a bunch of ethnic enclaves, so I will always have the chance to mix and mingle with other cultures. K-town, is mixed with Japanese and Chinese stores, There are a lot of Latinos, though primarily Cubans and Mexicans, somewhat of a Caribbean community, Plenty of Africans, most West Africans, and of course good ole fashion country folks. Then I'm close enough to Atlanta and Athens (the college town of UGA) to take nice day trips when I want to. And the ATL airport is the nicest airport since it takes you anywhere around the world easily.

I feel like this picture summarizes the cultural diversity of Gwinnett

But the scary part for me is missing out on all the world has to offer. Like what if there's a small village in Argentina that I'm missing out, or maybe Geneva is the place I'm supposed to be, or maybe even Mongolia? So it's a scary idea to be stuck in a place forever, but I don't mind where I am in the present!

Aside from the slight existentialism and anxiety this post has given me here are some pictures I got of Atlanta while protesting (aside from the ones Naoni shared lol):

Since I have been stuck in Georgia with more free time I've been taking in a lot of things with a new-found appreciation. Like all the street art I found throughout Atlanta. And this is not even half of all the art I saw! Also how do you interpret the large body painting in the 5th picture. If y'all get it right, I'm gonna feel real dumb because I've seen that thing for years and just now understood what it was portraying.

Oh, and I went to Sonic and decided to take a picture to show people the Sonic experience. You just order and eat in your car while playing music (if you don't listen to music you are weird and that's only facts). I was disappointed the sever didn't come on skates, but one minute after they bought out our food they turned the lights off, and we realized we were bums that came 5 minutes before closing, but it really spooked us and were freaking out until we got our bearings because no one, including the server, thought it was important to tell us they were closing. Also, Naoni had a funny incident here, but I don't know if she was embarrassed by it, so I'll let her decide share it or not :)

Anyway, that's my week. My BFF came home and even though we aren't doing anything really special it's nice to be together after like 6 months! And my friend Komlan is making me hang with an old friend of mine that I fought with (the one and only friend I fought with!) and I don't like him that much, but he's also not as annoying as I remember. But we were playing Risk, and he triggered Komlan so bad that he got mad (granted they were both drinking) I never saw Komlan get mad, so I decided it was time we went home, but I was extra hungie, so we went to WaHo and the server was super cool, so I lost some precious dineros in the generous tip I gave him. I started a new job called Pita and management is horrible, but I like money, so I officially have two jobs. I'm a busy lady now.

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@naoni: facts @emma: yeah! How do u interpret it?


Jun 16, 2020

Lol the story wasn’t bad tbh, it was just embarrassing in the moment: As we were waiting for our food, a huge moth thing flew past our window (which was open) and I was like “nah-uh, that bug ain’t getting inside of here!” So I closed the window while screaming but as I was doing so, the dude that was giving us our food came to our car (and he was a black dude, which gets a rep for being “scary”) so it seemed like I was closing my window cause I was scared he was a black man T-T. Anyway, I can’t believe you kept those results in mind! That makes me happy, it’s cool to see how much time…


Jun 16, 2020

I feel like there's nothing wrong with staying where you are as long as you're content. though sometimes I find myself choosing to do something because it's comfortable and I already know what it's like. like I remember first year when me and Julianne were choosing new rooms part of me was like I'd be happy with staying in our first year room even though it was tiny and hot just cause I already knew what it was like ya know. anyways, not to send you into more of an existential spiral but ig you just gotta weigh your options.

appreciate the virtual sonic experience. I want to go to a Sonic one day or honestly just a drive thru…


Jun 12, 2020

Yeah the past stays but there’s nothing to do about it so I shouldn’t think about it you know. I got a smooth brain it can only hold so much information and thoughts lol


Rachel E
Rachel E
Jun 12, 2020

@ naoni: SPILL! what happened? since allegedly you don't get embarrassed (easily)

Nice street art! but... yeah can you tell me what's going on in that pic?

Your county really does seem quite diverse. I guess as long as your content you shouldn't have regret or fear of missing somewhere, as much as we'd like to think, there's only so many things we can accomplish in a lifetime...but I also feel more now that we shouldn't let ourselves be tied down (unless you want to). and ofc things can get complicated since for medical school you generally have to stay in the country you want to practice in :/ there may be opportunities in residency though!

I'm really curious not…



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