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The most important meal of the day, serving it up Gary's way


I don't know if this is bad to say but I kind of like being quarantined. I don't like the reason we're being quarantined of course but I like being home and having some free time. For the past three day all my time has gone into this research paper for one of my classes so that's not fun but before that I spent my days watching tv, going for walks, and cooking. I'm trying to think of more things I can make for breakfast because I know it's an important meal but it's also my least favorite meal. So if you have suggestions leave em below. Usually I make some type of egg–lately I've been enjoying a good soft boiled–with toast and some sort of fruit like a sliced tomato or avocado. If I'm not eating that I'm usually eating yogurt. The other day I made pancakes to mix it up but I'm running out of ideas. I also want to try making cinnamon buns but we'll see.

Last week, I also started the curly girl method which I've been wanting to do for a while. I haven't bought a ton of products in case I don't actually have wavy hair but I switched to new shampoo and conditioner. So far little chunks of my hair have gone wavy just from the switch which is promising but they're also super frizzy. I think that means my hair needs more moisture or something. Anyways, even if nothing comes of this I think it'll be good for my hair's health. I also could do with a haircut just cause it's getting long and annoying but because everything's closed that probably won't happen for a while...unless I do it myself.



Unknown member
Apr 03, 2020

I like breakfast a lot :) maybe try making some southern breakfasts like gravy and biscuits, fish and grits, hash-browns and bacon, or home-fries and eggs! Warning, these meals are a bit longer to make than other breakfasts (unless you prep ahead such as making the biscuit dough the night before). But I agree with you, as much as we seek out and/or are pressured to always be busy, it’s nice to live the slow and simple life but this lifestyle doesn’t get as much hype as it deserves.


Unknown member
Apr 03, 2020

Smoothies are always good for breakfast imo...and emma i hate to break it to you, but your hair isn’t curly. It’s barely wavy :p How is the curly girl hair lifestyle gonna work? Are you planning on getting a perm?


Unknown member
Mar 28, 2020

Do 👏🏼it👏🏼your👏🏼self👏🏼!! Yeah everyone is saying now is the perfect opportunity to let your hair be healthy and stuff ! So I say go for it It’s good you’re making an effort to eat and like breakfast 🍳 I don’t like eggs so that cuts a lot of classic brekkie things for me but yeahh cinnamon rolls would spice things up for sure



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