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The First Snow


Good morning all!! Hope your Friday is fire 🔥

My week was pretty long but I'm trying to have tunnel vision until I leave for study abroad. I'm in this weird in between lately of not trying to wish all my time away while simultaneously wanting the semester to be over.

Last Friday, I went to the Mum Show with Caitlin and Anna. I forget the exact theme for this year but it has something to do with Japanese gardens and bonsais. Some of the hybrids they had were so amazing. I'm constantly impressed by the stuff that plant artists come up with for things like this.

here's a blurry little mum bonsai

On Saturday I helped Caitlin and Anna make black sesame chocolate chip cookies. But mostly I helped consume them. Caitlin and I had a debate over which cookie size is better (I generally like making medium sized cookies and Caitlin likes smaller cookies). She gave me some plastic baggies filled with one of each size to show other people and get their opinions...but I ate all of those. But I realize now would be a good opportunity to poll people. I don't have a picture of them though so instead you get a picture of Anna with her skeleton head cookie.

Speaking of Anna, she has just alerted me that it's snowing! She came to my room and knocked on my door. It made me feel like a kid again :')


Okay, I have no real reason to include this next video but it was part of my week and I feel like it needs more recognition. Here is Naoni fighting my sock. I think this is a good thing to end on.

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2 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
30 dic 2019

Dang she took down that 🧦 sock I love that daisy looking bonsai mum Hmmm I think I prefer a good medium sized cookie but also little ones (that aren’t thin) are good and can be fun. And you eat more of them. Which seems to be a problem when people make cookies around you😩

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Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
12 nov 2019

I like medium sized-cookies too. I'm part of the "Goldilocks" line of thinking: not too big, not too small.

I like that video of Naoni too.

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