We're in our final stretch here at Smith and I can sorta see the light at the end of the tunnel. When I came back from break it had already begun snowing in Noho. I was a little worried about the walk back from the train but then Clara, Madison, Naoni and Aboni all came to pick me and Karina up. I was so touched! After treading in the snow, we all got food and watched X-Men Days of Future Past, which is a quality movie. All the X-Men movies are, well all the older ones.
On Monday, we had a snow day. And honestly, I don't remember what I did. I think I mostly stayed inside cause I had hw and I didn't want to be out in the cold. From inside though the snow was really pretty and I was so happy there was no school.
On Tuesday, Anna and I made some peppermint hot chocolate. Sometime back, Anna got me, her, and Caitlin fun face masks which we did later that night. I wish I had a picture of mine. It was a unicorn. Caitlin's was a llama and Anna's was a shark. They were fun to do but they were also kind of creepy lol.

Then on Wednesday, it was Sophia's birthday! Julianne and Sophia's roommate, Emily, organized a small get together. We all wore paper tiaras and ate mochi from Trader Joes.

That basically sums up my week. I wish I had more to report out but it's been really busy lately. But by this time next week I think things will have started to calm down a little. In the back of my mind, I keep reminding/re-remembering that I'm going abroad after this which is just wild to me. I'm so excited.
Wait which train station was it? Union station?! But no matter, that’s sweet that they all showed up Cute masks hahaha and yes! I’m excited for you and your study abroad adventure !
excited for you too!!!
and aw this post is so wholesome :')
I like the masks, they are cool!