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The Ants Come Marching


After I made my post last week, I realized that I left out a couple of things that happened. So, instead of editing last week's post, I decided to save them in my noggin and share them with you all this week.

Since it's Spring, the weather has been getting a little warmer in New York and whenever that happens we start to get black carpenter ants around the house. I don't know where they come from, they must have a colony somewhere nearby. I don't love that they're around, and this year they came earlier than normal, but I prefer them over the teeny tiny ants because I feel like those guys usually travel in packs so it feels more like an infestation. Anyways, this is all just context for something else. So last week, I woke up one morning and went down to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I put my bowl of whatever in the microwave and then all of a sudden the microwave sparks like it blew a fuse. I got scared because I thought I had just broken our microwave and when I opened it, it spelled like burning plastic (so I was pretty sure I messed it up). Then my dad came into the kitchen so I told him about the spark, which he was relatively unconcerned about. And then he was like well we can test it out again because I have some coffee that I want to heat up, meanwhile I'm all worried that we're going to blow the thing up. So he puts his coffee in the machine and I went to go do something else. When he was done he comes and tells me that the microwave seemed to be okay but that when he put his coffee in the machine he had noticed this black crumb in it. And that when he went to pick up the crumb he realized it was an ant. So we came to the conclusion that the sparking sound had something to do with the ant. I don't know if I accidentally zapped him (would it make that noise though if I did?) or if he messed around with something inside the microwave but the noise hasn't happened since.

Also, the other day me and my brother were watching this ant crawl up our living room wall but it was too high to get so we just left it. And then as soon as it climbed onto the ceiling it fell from the ceiling and onto our couch. I don't remember if you guys remember this but that's exactly what happened to me last time with that water bug in my room (except that was more traumatic). And I'm just curious as to why these bugs go onto ceilings if they know they can't hang on? I just don't get it.

The other thing that happened last week was somehow my family and I started talking about this toy robot we've had since my brother and I were kids. His name is Ready Freddy and he lives in the basement. He's a talking robot and we like to joke that one day we'll go to take out his batteries and there will be no batteries in him because he's kinda spooky. Sometimes he just starts talking even when no one presses his buttons. I wanted to take a picture of him for you guys but I thought that might be disrespectful to him (wouldn't want him to get angry ya know), so y'all will just have to imagine him. But anyways, we ended up looking up how much he's worth cause we've had him for over a decade and apparently he's worth like $200. But, I told my parents we can't sell him because I think he'll get mad at us.

This week it's mostly been more of the same. I learned from one of my class readings that bees aren't supposed to be able to fly like scientifically and was amazed. Then, I realized that they say that in the bee movie and then I looked it up and found out that that fact is actually false lol. I feel like that sums up my week pretty well. Besides that, I've been watching the Harry Potter movies with my brother. We're on number six. They're still so good. Also, I'm excited to start the theme thing that Naoni came up with next week. I think it'll be fun.



Apr 24, 2020

Related kitchen ant story: We had a huge ant mound under our house and there was a bunch of sugar ants (the tiny ants) that would appear whenever any food smelled. So like one time we made curry and the smell was still on this spoon but we knew the smell would fade so we weren’t worried about it. The next morning though, there was a line of ants that led to the spoon which was completely covered by them— you couldn’t even see the spoon! It was disgusting but luckily we got an exterminator to get rid of the mound and haven’t had that problem since :’). But honestly ants, and bugs in general, suck and I would rather…


Unknown member
Apr 20, 2020

Yeah ants are ugly little pest but it’s one of the fee bugs that i can kill without too much fear. But yeah i have a similar doll but I’m pretty sure it was cursed because it would go off at 3am every night and we removed its battery but it would still go off. So we gave it to goodwill, kinda like annabelle lol


Rachel E
Rachel E
Apr 20, 2020

poor ant?! It sounds to me like you may've zapped him unfortunately, but you can't be the first to have done such a thing! ants sure are persistent, and I really can't explain why bugs climb up walls.. I guess in general why do they choose to go anywhere, why do any of us choose to go anywhere?? haha but my real guess is it's evolutionary ??

this toy sounds spooky indeed. My family would also have toys that seemingly have an everlasting battery, i always wonder if the battery is just especially good or if the toy simply requires a tiny bit of energy (probably the latter..),

this reminded me of an american horror legend of this doll (Robert…



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