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Thanksgiving Break

So Thanksgiving Break is right around the corner and my soul never needed something so much! Friday Claire, Naoni, and I went to big Y and honestly it was the biggest supermarket I have ever been to. It was like the size of Costco with soooo much food it reminds me that we live in a super consumerist society :'). Then we went back to Claire's room, ate some snacks, drunk some wine, painted, and watched this movie called "Ali Wong Baby Cobra." It was a nice way to end a stressful week. I then continued on to Isabel's house and played some cards games and board games. Then the people from UMass left and me Isabel and this other person started talking about really deep stuff. It was really nice though and I got to hear about how other people view and understand the world. Also, I got a really bad on my quiz in Physics, and I was distraught and sad about it, I had to walk out of class and cry in the bathroom. This is the first time this has happened to me since like high school, so I was pretty surprise by my reaction, but hey I am homesick and about to get my period, so I guess it's justified. I cried, so hard that my eyes were red, so I was stuck in the bathroom. I did see some good memes though so that cheered me.

This is my painting of Pumpkin

I also suggest that y'all follow my spotify playlist called "Just for you" if you want to listen to good music. Alright that's everything.

Good luck Charlie!

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Membro desconhecido
30 de dez. de 2019

Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve been to big y! I should but yeah true that to the consumerist society but It sounded like a nice evening And yeah, sometimes you just gotta have a cry in that seelye bathroom (I don’t think it was there but you get the idea)


Membro desconhecido
20 de dez. de 2019



Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
20 de dez. de 2019

also what's your spotify @


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
20 de dez. de 2019

Good luck Charlie :')


Membro desconhecido
23 de nov. de 2019

Cool cool! Also, sorry about your quiz. But remember it’s just one quiz out the 13 that you have to take :))

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