Hi Friends!
Going to post on Sunday because tomorrow morning I am leaving for Korea bright and early!
I don’t have a whole lot to report on – I mostly spent this week hanging out with friends and family and running some last minute errands. I am packed (I feel both under and overpacked, but I think I am bringing less stuff than other people. I’ll just have to figure out what to do when I inevitably acquire knick-knacks in Korea…) Hoping everything works out with flights, luggage, and bank stuff on my basically 24 hour day of travel tomorrow AAAAAAA!
Also, I forget if I mentioned this before, but I finished my 300 by 30 bucket list! I've already knocked off a couple in the last week, easy ones lol (#234: Try Turkish Delight [it was pretty good honestly! Not sure if I would buy some for myself though, I don't love really chewy things] and #259: do a digital cleanout [I cleared up like 50 gigabytes of laptop storage because I never delete anything and organized my folders]. Here's a link to it. I'm going to try to make notes of ones I complete in my blog posts, because I have a lot of Korea ones. Another New Year's Resolution for me is to knock 35 or more items off this year. 2 down, 40 to go!
Wish me luck buddies :’)

Anyway, so that this post isn’t a total stub, I have a movie recommendation: “The Menu.” It’s a thriller/comedy movie and it’s entertaining. I don’t know if it’s actually officially considered a comedy but it doesn’t take itself too seriously and I found it pretty fun, I keep thinking about it. I think it would be a fun movie to watch with friends, especially if we were still doing the movie club. I won’t spoil much but it’s about a famous chef who has a very exclusive and expensive restaurant on a private island. A group of diners come and then they find out the concept for the dinner is not what they expected.
Here’s a trailer if you want a bit more info:
@aboni: yess i would be down for thailand :D
ooh 300 by 30, that sounds like a fun challenge!! I thought at first you meant that you had finished everything off the list LOL, even making a list that long is a feat of its own...
and I've been WANTING to see the Menu, glad it gets the Erin stamp of approval, I'll try to see it in theaters :0 when I'm allowed to leave hehe
The cheesecake is looking absolutely scrumptious, and you've always seemed like a sensible packer to me :) i have a feeling you will acquire a good bit of korean waresㅋㅋㅋ
can't WAIT to hear about the adventures to come
Tbh, I feel like in some ways it’s better to underpack, but I am a minimalist so I may be in the minority with this opinion. But I am sure you are going to be fine! And what you don’t bring you can buy and remember for next time! That chipotle bowl looks so crisps, I hope you enjoyed every second! And I’m excited to see what you complete this year :D Cheers to welcoming in Korean Erin 🤪
Also i didnt realize it but i miss chipotle…gimme some now!!!
I’m so excited for! Join me in this timezone…join the darkside lol. Me, you, and Caitlin should make a trip to Thailand!