Since school ending, things have been a flurry of flights and old friends and pulling frayed edges back together (I really tried for that alliteration there). This time of year is always when you finally have a moment to breathe and recollect and for that, I'm very grateful!

In the past few days, I went to Mary's college graduation and Simon's high school graduation and in a few days I'm going to my cousin, Jacob's, high school graduation. That's.... a lot of graduations. But the ones so far haven't been too bad. Don't get me wrong, I'm so proud of my siblings. But you have to admit graduations aren't the most fun to sit through. The commencement speaker at Moho was Barbara Smith and she's done so much cool stuff! The graduation traditions at Moho are similar to Smith in that they're very specific and a bit odd at times and nonetheless unique. One event we went to was a stoling ceremony for POC where each person picked a mentor in their life. They then said their piece to that person and was stoled by said person. It was a sweet sentiment :').
Being at my old high school's graduation was interesting because it definitely made me remember when I was in that same position 2 years ago. I won't get into it but mixed feelings there. Also, my grandparents from Texas came to either one or both of the graduations.
Today we went on a trolley tour of Boise which was interesting but also tiring because we were up late last night helping my Aaron (I'll get into this later). Something I heard on the tour was that Boise is named that because French fur trappers were like "le bois!" when they saw the area. I'm not sure how the pronunciation became what it is today from that but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Here are some highlights from the last few days!
- I just saw Detective Pikachu with my friends Anita and Tiffany. I was never really into Pokemon but I know enough about the universe I think. I give the movie 7.8/10! I actually liked it a lot which isn't that shocking, but other friends that saw it haven't given it rave reviews so I wasn't going in thinking I'd like it that much. For anyone who's seen it, what did you think?? The pokemon were so cute!!!!!!!!!!
- Aaron has a project due tomorrow that's like a living museum situation. He's supposed to be Louis Armstrong but the problem is that he was gone for the graduations too and didn't have much time to put the project together. Mary, Simon, and I ended up helping him a lot in terms of cutting and glueing (dont' worry though, he did the actual planning and thinking). So that took a while... Hopefully it goes well tomorrow lol.

- Oh, another movie I saw in Dallas with my good friend Emma was The Sun is Also a Star. I give it 7/10. It was pretty cheesy but cute and I read the book maybe 2 years ago so it was fun to compare the plot throughout. Also the author, Nicola Yoon, came to Smith last year and spoke in Weinstein. Most of the audience were middle schoolers from the Center School but I, a college student, had a great time. I think I'll probably be watching a lot of movies this summer, so stay tuned for more ratings :-)
Ok, that's all for now I think! I'm writing this so early because I have a flight back to Dallas (from Boise) tomorrow afternoon and probably won't get back until late and will probably be very tired. I'm so happy I'm able to see my old friends if even for a few days and be there for my family but also I might be getting sick from the travel. I think it'll be ok!
Oh also, in the midst of grades coming out and everything, here's a reminder for everyone!!

p.s. I'm working on the journal thing. I have a journal we can use so we just need to choose order!
The bois are back in Boise (until they fly to Dallas...) ! Heard Detective Pikachu was really cute too, I'm glad !! And wow the pic of you guys working on Aaron's project is giving me big Flashbacks to similar projects from elementary/middle school :0 oop, not always the most hep but you cats look like you know how to get it done 😎