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Spilling and Slipping


Updated: Jun 10, 2020

It was actually pretty hard for me to think of an embarrassing moment. Not because I don't get embarrassed but because I think I tend to internalize the emotions that come with feeling uncomfortable or uneasy and then block out whatever event caused those feelings. But setting all of that aside here are two embarrassing moments that I thought of.

In elementary school we used to have lunch monitors who were adults that would keep an eye on all of the students during lunch and recess. This was the only time during the day that we would interact with them, so unless there was a reason for them to know you–like if you were constantly getting in trouble or the flip side if you were a really "good" kid–then they didn't really know you. I was neither super good or bad, so none of the lunch monitors really talked to me unless they were giving directions or something like that. Then, we also had lunch helpers who were older students that would help the monitors take kids to the bathroom and empty trays. When I was in the early elementary school grades, I thought these lunch helpers were practically adults. I think when you're little, you sort of always view older kids like that because you don't have a clear perception of what age and aging is like. So I thought these lunch helpers were so cool, especially because I knew only the "good" kids got picked to be lunch helpers. But, when I was in first grade I remember I was throwing something out and two lunch helpers were clearing trays. The reason they needed people to do that was because they separated milk from the rest of the garbage. And I must have been in their way or something because one of them passed a tray over my head to give it to the other lunch helper and they ended up spilling a milk carton all over me. The thing I remember the most is it being really cold, but the worse part was no one knew what to do with me so I ended up getting sent to the auditorium (for indoor recess) in my wet-milk clothes. I guess, the lunch monitors didn't see it as a big enough deal for my parents to get called and they also didn't even know who I was so they had no real way of contacting my parents. At the time, I was also in this phase where I would wear the same clothes everyday. Not the exact same outfit but I would usually wear the same sweater everyday and sometimes the same shirt. But, I remember being sad because the milk got all over my lavender fleece jacket and I wore that everyday and usually never took it off. On top of that I was embarrassed because I smelt like milk for the rest of the day, which I'm sure wasn't pleasant for anyone.

This is basically what our school lunches looked like. But our milk cartons were purple.

The other embarrassing story I have is more recent, it's a memory I have from abroad. One night me and my roommates went out with a couple of other people from our building. I don't remember that much about that night, but I remember it was fairly early on in the semester and when we went out I purposely only had one drink because I didn't know the city very well and I didn't know these people that well and it was also hard to get drinks because it was super crowded. So I wasn't in the least bit drunk, wasn't even tipsy because I had one drink but when we got home my roommate definitely thought I was because I fell off my bed. To give you some context, there was a shelf above all the beds in our complex and that's where I kept all my shower stuff before we discovered that our bathroom had storage. So, I was getting ready to take a shower and was in a towel and stood on my bed to get my shower stuff. When I stepped off my bed, I stepped too close to the edge of it and I slipped and ended up falling on the floor. It was the kind of fall that happens in slow motion but you know you can't stop it from happening. But it was embarrassing because it sounded worse than it was and I tried to laugh it off, but my roommate was really concerned. She definitely thought that I was plastered but that I was trying to pretend not to be. I thought laughing would sort of show her that I was fine and that I didn't get hurt or anything but she just seemed to find it weird. It also was just super awkward because we didn't know each other that well either...but I am happy that I was able hold onto my towel because that would've been ten times worse.

Okay, those are some embarrassing stories to end off the week. I'm excited to read your guys' stories. This week, I've been mostly trying to fix my sleep schedule before I start remote working in two weeks with not much success. Yesterday, my dad and brother and I watched Silence of the Lambs which I haven't seen since I was a kid. It wasn't as scary as I remember it but I'm glad I watched it. For some reason, I misremembered a lot of scenes and got them mixed up with The Da Vinci Code which I'm assuming I watched around the same time because they're two pretty different movies.



Rachel E
Rachel E
May 22, 2020

Awww poor Emma 😔 I’m sad for your lavender fleece as well Like Aboni said, it was wrong of them not to have anything for you to change into :/ I think at my school they had a bin or something that kids could use if their parents couldn’t come I wasn’t even a bad kid, but the lunch monitor ladies were so scary that I was scared of they’d call me out 😫


May 22, 2020

@aboni the thing is if you say you're not drunk people typically take that as a sign that you are drunk but idk what else you're supposed to say


May 22, 2020

@erin ah thanks. yeah I was just another face in the crowd ya know

when I was writing this I thought about naoni's story too! it's interesting how sometimes the way we feel is dependent on other peoples' reactions to the way we feel


May 22, 2020

@naoni we stopped having a change of clothes after preschool cause they expect you to not have accidents after the age of 4 I guess *shrug* but even if I had that I don't think anything would've happened because I was just another face in the crowd and I probably would've been too scared to leave the auditorium.

idk if pain is a social construct lol but it is interesting to think about why certain things embarrass us. I thought I put this in my post but turns out I didn't. I think I told you about how one time in 2nd grade I puked in front of my whole class and got sent home afterwards and I didn't find…


May 21, 2020

I had a similar falling story. I was drinking and I almost fell into the TV, but not because I was super tipsy but because I’m super clumsy. I felt like it was more work to explain to the people I wasn’t drunk and just clumsy because the more I tried to explain that the more drunk they thought I was so I just gave up embarrassed/annoyed lol



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