Last night I was looking through my camera roll and I came to a couple of conclusions:
1) I miss the sun☀️! Copenhagen is very gray and rainy, and while it makes me appreciate the sun more I sure miss it. And so does my skin. Here's a picture of me from the summer after eating an icy after work. What a simple day it was. You can't tell in this picture but my tongue was SO red.

2) I've always known this but I'm actually so short. This is not a new discovery really, but I think I just forget sometimes because I never see myself next to other people from an outsider's perspective. And when I sit I'm usually at eye level with other people. But anyways, here are some pics where I think I look particularly smol.
Other than those epiphanies I feel like I don't have much else to say. I've been to a couple of cool places recently. This weekend, Naoni, me and our friend Brigid went to Stockholm. It was so nice!!! It was like a mix between Seattle and New York with even better architecture. After going there I realized that Copenhagen is kind of a smaller city, which is not a bad thing but it has a super different vibe than from Stockholm.

On Wednesdays we have field studies which means we go on field trips for our classes. This Wednesday one of my education courses visited this playground that was made by kids and it was so cool!!
I can't remember if this section was also made by kids but it was next to it. I've never seen anything like it either.

The section that the kids made looked like little houses and you could climb through them. The playground is called a construction playground because it's built by kids and then the kids play in it which is super cool. I wish I had a picture of them but just imagine little wooden houses.
We have a lot coming up in the next couple of weeks. This coming week is Core Course Week in our program, so everyone is traveling with their main class. Most classes are going to a different area of Denmark or somewhere close by like Sweden. Should be fun though it'll be nice to not have hw for a little bit. Our class is also going to The Lego House which should be fun!!
@naoni they truly don’t know how to act I normally don’t feel weird or self conscious about my height unless I’m in like a circle of people talking and they’re all moderately tall, especially if it’s a group of guys and girls our age bc I feel like guys are usually pretty tall That playground sounds neat! The little village one :-) and whatever the LEGO house is, it sounds cool + beautiful sunset 😌
You aren’t thaaaaat small, but I do think it’s funny when people point it out. Like last night, one of your friends patted you on the head like you were a kid and I was like why do people not know how to treat smaller people 😂😂
Just like today, how we were saying how long it's been since we've seen each other, I met someone who said she was 5'2 recently and she felt so short. And I was like "Emma Seng's not that short and she's 5 tho!" But I guess you are short.
Glad you enjoyed Stockholm it sounds cool!! And I didn't realize Copenhagen felt small :0
The playground looks really cool too and I'm very excited to the Lego House!!! I was a big Lego kid back in the day and I can't believe you're in it's homeland :')