The main thing that I can think of that I did this week was knit a sock! Yes, you read that right. Sock, singular. I finished yesterday and I am very surprised and pleased. I'm learning which is exciting! The second sock is in the works so hopefully I'll be able to show you the pair by next week, fingers crossed.

Some random stuff from the school this week:
-I stepped on a kid's pencil sharpener on the way out.... I said I was really sorry but also had to leave in a rush for my next class but honestly they seemed to think it was funny sooooo idk
-With the littlest kids we were learning animal names and when we came to tiger, some kids laughed and thought it was the "gros mot", or bad word, "ta gueule" which is apparently really rude. It was funny though because the teacher was like nooooo, it's like this but the kid kept saying it the other way.
-I left my library book in the last class I had Tuesday! There's no school on Wednesdays but I confirmed with the teacher that it's safe and sound. Unfortunately that means I couldn't work on it today but that's ok because I was more focused on my sock. The book is called Mille soleils splendides and it's about women living in Afghanistan around the 70s-90s. I'm really liking it so far! It's the same author as Kite Runner, if any of you have heard of it. I've never read that one but I always heard it was good. I'm happy to say that of all my New Year's Resolutions, the book one is right on track. The other ones... ehhh... but honestly if I can even do one of them in an honest and complete way then I feel fulfilled.
Last week I skimped on the photos so I'll try and fill in the gaps here :)

Oh, yeah and the anime poster was so cool, you should’ve taken it home to add to your home decor 😂 and is the book you’re reading about life in Afghanistan in french :00
Lol like aboni said: you are living your best life! I am really impressed to see that Wackus Bockus has a new sheath, maybe she’ll be more tamed the next time we see her 😂. And I am glad to see you are succeeding in at least one of your New Year’s Resolution. Similarly, I am only working on 2 of em (reading more and increasing my flexibility), but also like you I am not disappointed/upset by it. I figure, ill get onto the rest in due time.
Oh la la, living your best life, truly!