I feel like my post are starting to have the same titles, but everyone is like "change is constant," but like why isn't the stress in my life changing? Riddle me that heaux. Like, honestly, I'm so tired of being stressed that I might just drop it. People tell me that there's a good, even "healthy level" of stress, but I've never experienced in my life and I really don't like it. From here on out, I'm not going to be stressed. I'll tell you how it goes in the next blog post, lol. But seriously, being stressed is hard, time-consuming, and tiring. And I'm literally over it. In any case, I'm not going to Morocco, but I did get an invitation to go to Cambodia and things are running a lot more smoothly. I just need to get my teeth filled (which is gonna run $677 outta my pockets, I die), Flu shot, and get another CBC, TB, and G6PD enzyme blood test. Then I'll be medically cleared, and I've already been legally cleared, so not too much else to do. In other news, I've been working nonstop between my two jobs, and somehow I'm still broke. It's a little frustrating if I'm being honest because all I really wanna do is by some cute jewelry and go shopping, but good things happen to those who wait right 🙃.

Over the past week, though, I went to Pensacola and enjoyed my niblings first time to the beach. The younger ones were scared of the waves, which was understandable since they were really strong, but they really enjoyed just playing in the sand, and they couldn't stop playing in it. Even when it was time to leave they kept rolling around in it, and though I was annoyed because sand get literally EVERYWHERE, I was happy they liked it. And my the older three were taking the waves like champs. Imani being only like 3" even was jumping waves, Jazmine was like the seaweed (boy was there so much of it too! There was a storm and it low key just littered the water with it) and would go pretty far out into the water just for the waves and current to bring her crashing back onto the beach. And Leiloni loved to be pummeled by the waves. I was honestly worried about her, but she was having fun, and I was like well... If she likes it, I love it lol. Oh! And they had their first strawberry shortcakes at the beach, and they LOVED it. It made me so happy because that's one of my favorite things to eat in the summer and especially during a beach day. I hope that we will have more fun times at the beach in the future, though!
Before I left for the fourth though I had dinner with Sebastian at his house (his mom made a very American Fourth of July dinner of hamburgers and bacon wrapped hot dogs, it was sooooo good, and ofc for dessert we had to make a starbies run lol), and I got to meet the 2 dogs he's been dog sitting, they were so cute especially Bea! She has long eyelashes and human eyes (but not in a scary way). Oh and me and Naoni tried some Horchata and Mangonada from new Mexican dessert spot they added to the mall
Aside from that, "it's been a storming 'round here" every day I hear cacophonous booms of thunder and constant pelting of rain. Today I legit thought there was going to be a tornado the way the trees were shaking in the wind and the endless house shaking cracks of thunder. I'm high key over it because it's intruding on my napping schedule lol, I can't fall asleep because of it. But it has its perks. As you try to run around before the sky opens up, and when it does all you can do is wait somewhere until it passes. And when the rain patters softly on the roof, it can lull me to sleep. Or when heat lightening lights up the night sky, it's so peaceful and quiet. But here's a video of the devil beating his wife pretty good!
Sorry things have been so stressful recently, I hope getting the medical clearance done goes smoothly and you can be a little less stressed (it's kinda crazy that you have to get your teeth filled). the beach day seems like a good time to relax and have fun with your family so im glad u got to enjoy that!! and wow...bacon-wrapped hot dogs, i've never heard of such a thing,, it does sound quite American
And the beach was fun wasn’t it??? I say we should go back to that beach on the SC island where the waves were calmer and cleaner so the kids could enjoy themselves even more/all the kids could’ve played in the water
Yeeeeah you are stressed, hopefully everything works out and you won’t have to be so tightly wound, and can have more carefree fun :)
As for stress when its done its done! All these things are just a recipe for a great end result experience and once you get to that part everything else becomes a distant memory….hang in there the end is almost near….and all of the little life pleasures like the beach and lulling rain and trying new drinks and hanging iut with friends and starbies seem so much sweeter! Try to ride out the rough days knowing that the good ones are to follow my sweet!! Love ya…it will be worth the efforts very soon.