So my new favorite movie is "La Haine" it is a must-see movie that I, Naoni, and Emma are going to watch. Anyway, Saturday Emma, Naoni, Kiara, Brenda, and I went to a Hampshire Woods party and it was pretty wack. But with some liquid courage and one another, we made the party. It was a pretty good memory, but I don't think I would ever go again. Then Sunday I woke up and went to New London. It was a really nice slow day to spend Isabel and Naoni. We had no plans and it was a nice change of pace for me especially since I have been working all summer. I listened to some sick beats from The Neighbourhood and got me in the bag. It was nice. I am a T.A. and apparently I am a bad one, but I am trying to improve. Moreover, my french classes are easy speaking and listening wise but hard when it comes down to reading and writing it's still very hard for me. I am trying my best to do well, but I just can't seem to read this semester T_T send help, please!
Here's a cute little view of what was on the beach at New London
And here's a cute little cafe that we went to
Here's some of the shenanigans that we got into as well. They wouldn't be quite for my ASMR video. And here's an artsy picture that Naoni and Emma wanted me to post.

I also received a Nobel Peace Prize from

You’re not a bad TA Boni :) you just need to get better at walking people through things. You tend to just say people are wrong and tell them what to do instead of understanding their line of thinking and listening and then correcting them from there. I hope that helps you and makes you feel better about your TA skills!
Omg congrats on the Nobel 💯💯 these beach pics are all really cute and I hope the semester has gotten better in terms of reading and stuff!! I feel like at the beginning of every semester I feel like I've completely forgotten how to Be A Student, but we always figure it out ☺️
Also wowww just adding the nobel peace price thing at the end like it’s no big deal?!
Ohhh I’ve been meaning to watch la haine ! I mean I’ve started it b4 but it was referenced some times in the classe I took about banlieues. Sounds like you’re having a good work fun balance :-) And wow we really need to fuse our skills bc I’m struggling out here with the speaking/kind of listening 😭