And a semi-public statement/ call to debate regarding the coronavirus
As you all are aware, this past Saturday was Lunar New Year! As you also may be aware, there is a new virus of unknown capability in the world right now.
Originally, I was supposed to go to hotpot with some of the other girls in the program (basically the other Asian girls haha + Katie M who’s white but chill). I was very excited because I’ve never had hotpot and this one would be like all you can eat and everyone gets their own mini hotpot. But we can go another time :’)
Oh so that brings me to the point that we didn’t go. Here were the considerations, which naoni and aboni really helped flesh out
-Paris is a very popular tourist spot and there are many Chinese tourists
-this isn’t to say Chinese people are more susceptible to the virus, but people leaving (including those who would’ve been to Wuhan I believe) China were only being screened if they showed symptoms
-someone can be carrying the virus before presenting symptoms
-am I individualistic if I go to touristy areas? Am I putting my host family at risk? Likewise I don’t know where they’re going every day and who they’re interacting with
-would it be fair for my host family to say I can’t go to hotpot? Would that be out of line on their part? I thought it would be out of line but aboni and naoni said no.
-regular flu kills people every year but why don’t people freak out and not get their yearly flu shot? Probably bc it’s the knowing there’s an existing vaccine I guess
-mostly the people who die are already immune compromised I think
What do you guys think? Bc aboni And naoni were saying I should stay in which I understand. But also we don’t know how long this’ll be a health issue and it’s not like I’d want to live here always in fear of going out.
In the end though, I was worried for like that day and now I’m just carrying on, business as usual. Which is funny because the situation is not any better I think. But I guess I’ll just keep on with my ignorance is bliss attitude....

In other news, the grève (strike) is pretty much over and the metro is running! That’s good bc it’s getting colder and rainier.
The lab interview went well I think. Even if I don’t get it, I still think it went well! The post doc I spoke with was super cool. The only thing is she’s not sure if they need an intern right now and the lab director is on maternity leave until early February which isn’t bad. So it’s not no, but not yes :/ the search continues :’)
Bruh, I am not allowed to think @Rachel and come up with my own way of living? If I wanna think that the people of Wuhuan (particularly the ones not taking enough safety precautions that I, myself think are necessary) then I’m allowed to think that. And if I think that the CDC likes to administer flu shots as way to decrease the population/population control then I’m also allowed to think that as well because as a human I have the basic human right to form my opinion. And the same way @Erin can find things to support her beliefs and opinions so can I, but do I feel like wasting my time doing so to prove to guys …
To be clear though, I'm not trying to downplay the potential danger of coronavirus. For the time being, I do think media coverage has been kind of sensationalist, but also like you said we really have no idea how bad it might get. I'm just disagreeing with this "selfishness" thing, I don't think it's totally fair
@naoni Yeah but by not getting the flu shot then you have the potential to get the flu. Which is selfish because it was easily preventable. You weigh your options bc yes you have the potential to get low level sick from the shot but if you don’t get the shot and get sick you have the potential to be even sicker and infect immunocompromised populations. Like what I’m saying is you run a risk either way. BUT let say you get the shot. Then get sick. At this point you’d probably know it was from the shot and you have the flu. In this case you would know you should stay inside and not get others sick. Especially i…
Sure, but that's a gamble not a sure bet. Not getting the vaccine = higher chance of getting influenza. If you were to get sick, you would be fine but you could then pass it on to other people who may not be. Not getting a flu shot is assuming that you won't get the flu, instead of going to a pharmacy and taking 10 mins to get a flu shot and protecting not only yourself but people who have weakened immune systems or for various reasons Cannot get vaccinated. First article sheds a lot of light on this: "Because the flu is so common, we tend to minimize its importance. Consider the contrast with how the United States responded to Ebola a…
No, it means protecting my own safety and others. If I’m not sick with the flu from the flu shot, I can’t get anyone else sick 💁🏾♀️