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Scoopity Poop


Howdy! It's a rainy and gray day here in Northampton and I'm listening to Mr. Brahms. I've made the executive decision to not leave the house for the rest of the day. Even though I'm not fond of the rain or the cold, every once in a while one I can appreciate days like this. They make everything feel all cozy.

I haven't been too on top of my shit lately. Last night I ended up staying in Hillyer until 6:30am to finish editing and printing my photos for final critique which was on Thursday. I was not completely satisfied with the way they printed but they were pretty well received by my classmates which was a relief. Here's a sneaky little picture that I took during critique.

The three in the middle were my set of portraits

On Tuesday it was Caitlin's birthday!!!! She's officially 21. Naoni and Aboni got her this cake and it was so cute. It had sprinkles in the middle that fell out of it when you cut it.

That's Caitlin and her brother on the phone

Last Friday, Anna and I went to get acupuncture at the health center. It was interesting. They had us lie in these chairs that reclined and put needles in our legs, feet, arms and hands. The lady also put one in the top of our heads, which made me feel like teletubby. Then she left us for about a half hour, so we could relax. The needles themselves didn't hurt but we were supposed to stay still for them to work I guess. I'm not too good at staying still so any time I would tense or move some of the needles would ache a little. For both me and Anna, the needle in our scalp didn't hurt at all, we couldn't even feel it. The ones in our legs were also fine. The ones that hurt the most were the ones in our hands and feet and I wonder if that's because that's the area with the least amount of fat...though I don't know how much fat scalps have but they seem sturdy. I would probably do it again if I had the chance. Also, I think if I went more often it would probably be easier for me to feel relaxed. But I don't know if I would ever pay to get acupuncture done you know.

On Saturday, glee club had Autumn Serenade. Going into it I was feeling a little worried because I didn't feel like we were super prepared, but it ended up going really well. We also got to sing with the Amherst High School Chorale ( I don't think that's their official name) and they were SO good. It always blows me away when I get to see young talented people doing their thing. Now we're starting to work on Vespers which is the Christmas concert that's been going on at Smith for decades. Even though I'm not religious or anything like that, I love Vespers. It's one of the few times where we get to perform for a packed house and it holds a lot of sentiment for a lot of community members.

Other than that, I'm excited for Thanksgiving break!! I'm going home and I'm so ready. Also, someone should send me some ramen for this cold, gray day. It would be much appreciated!!🍜



Unknown member
Dec 30, 2019

That’s so cool that you took that photography class! You said you printed them so I’m guessing it wasn’t in like the dark room right? But I remember back when you talked about developing in the dark room at first and I thought that was super cool as well I think it I got the chance I’d try the acupuncture at Smith but yeah like you said, probably wouldn’t pay for it unless it was recommended for a condition or something Im ashamed to say I haven’t gone to any acapella events at Smith :-( but I will def make a greater effort next year!!


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Dec 20, 2019

your photos look so cool!! i'm so glad you got to take a photography class this semester :^)

and i hope you have some ramen for these cold winter days in NYC now


Unknown member
Nov 23, 2019

I love your photography pics! They are so good!! Also Caitlin looks so happy in that pic you took of her. Also, I have pho in my room if you want it: it’s kinda like ramen right?



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