Dearest friends,
This is going to be a very short post as I have a sh*t ton of work due this weekend :( and need to grind. I haven't been outside in a bit because I've been busy and the weathers been crappy anyways but the last time I went out I noticed that some of the houses on our block (particularly the ones with kids) have drawings of rainbows in their windows. When I saw the first one I thought it was just a cute thing that these kids did for fun but then I started seeing other ones and apparently it's a thing people are doing to bring a little joy to whoever sees them during this time of quarantine. It made me happy when I saw them so I've started to make my own. You guys should too!! If you wanna.

Also I made some soupy noodles the other day with my dad. Chicken looks so weird in pictures but it tasted pretty good.

that's so cute :')
Mmm those noodles look so good And yeah that’s a cute idea! Gotta keep morale up :) when I walk outside I see a lot of sidewalk chalk drawings with encouraging messages Sorry you have so much work 😭😭
The rainbow thing is pretty cute, I wish I could do it but no one walks by my house to make it worth it :/. Also, is it just me or does DIS work feel so much more overwhelming than when we were in Copenhagen?
The noodles look so good. And the rainbow thing is such a cute and nice idea💡