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Rachel's Recent Faves

Things have been relatively slow, but I find that I'm having a genuinely nice time in the quaint summer haze of Northampton! I always enjoy a good favorites video, and it's the last day of July (!!!), so I thought it would add some intrigue to wrap up the month with a recount of some of my recent favs :-)


** disclaimer: I won't mention everyone here but these are just a few of the people who I've been with a lot in the past few days! **

  • Aboni - After the super flattering shoutout last week from Aboni, of course I have to give her one in return. It's been a lot more fun in the day to day with her around! I had a lot of fun with new friends before on the weekends but after lab on weekdays, it was typically just me. Now I have someone to count on to meet with at lunch and hang out in the evenings :-). It's always a good time with Aboni!!!

Aboni asserting her dominance

  • April - I've gotten a chance to hang out with April more this summer, which is cool because during the school year we'd only see each other really for academic related stuff. This past Saturday, we (us and Aboni) went to the thrift store and then to the book mill. Another character April/Aboni introduced to me was Anna, but sadly she had to leave abruptly.

at the book mill

  • Lab mates - This week is the last one for Gariel and Mel, so I can't help but include them! We went as a lab last afternoon to a place downtown called Roberto's and Adam always tells the best stories and has interesting comments in these situations. He also gave us all cards and Gariel a book, which was sweet. After this week, it'll just be me for two weeks :-0. I do think I got to know them better this summer, and I'll miss them :'(.

card I made for gariel, who taught me everything i know in this lab


  • Young Library - Working at Young has been a fun time because I have time to read but also because of the people I work with. I feel like I've had really good conversations with almost everyone. It's nice because I didn't know any of my coworkers before this, but talking with them, they're such lovely people.

me and Gau, one of my new friends from work! we got s'mores together :-0

  • Downtown Northampton - Around here the past few days there's been a sidewalk sale going on so tents are just set up and vendors sell out of them. One time I bought a shirt from this gothish, ghoulish gal and then I had my palm read for $3. Clara might have said it was "impulsive" but I think it was worth it. Brandie said I should come back for a more thorough reading, and I was seriously considering it (don't worry guys.... I probably won't go....). Another day, Aboni and I just ambled around and went into some of those stores that we just never bothered to try out. One place I'd recommend was that art gallery (not sure the exact name?) with big white pillars. It had an impressive collection of original children's book art and a ton of other neat pieces.

in the art gallery. lol aboni asked the lady there why some of the pieces were that expensive


  • Letters - I got a postcard from Caitlin recently and a letter from Priya a little bit ago. These made me so happy and I feel like people who send me letters know me so well because the choice of card/card contents is always so spot on. Like Caitlin sent me a funny postcard with just the right amount of weirdness :-) and Priya sent me the cutest baking stickers :')

  • Mid-90's - This is the movie Aboni and I most recently watched. It was released this year I believe but has a spot on mid90s aesthetic. It's a coming-of-age sort of story about a kid in, well you guessed it, the mid90s who finds community in a sk8r boi group. Aboni liked it a lot better than Skate Kitchen, so I feel like you guys would like it more as well. Personally, I thought it was great!

  • Brave New World - This is the book I most recently finished. We read it for school in 12th grade and I really enjoyed it then and have been meaning to reread it. I wasn't at all disappointed and it is interesting because even though all the work I did with the book for school was a while ago, I still remember a lot of the analysis we did. For those who haven't heard of it, this book addresses questions of hedonistic society and choice in society. Would you rather be able to choose the life you live while accepting realities of unhappiness, struggle, strife, etc? Or would you rather have everything laid out for you but guaranteed comfort and stability? A super interesting world described in this book!

  • Kiki's Delivery Service - Obviously this is an all time fav for me, but I thought I'd include it because I rewatched it recently and Kiki just had its anniversary!

  • Female Artists - I didn't mean for this list of music recs to be all women artist, but it just happened that way.... A lot of these are tried and true artists for me, so it's always a good time when everyone releases new music close to one another.

Lykke Li - still sad still sexy

I Wish - Hayley Kiyoko


Prophet - King Princess

True Blue (feat. Angel Olsen) - Mark Ronson

  • soup - I've just really been into soup in the CC recently? There are just so many possibilities!

  • Yo-yos - the last SURF dinner was last Sunday and the topic was yo-yoing. They had this yo-yo guy come in and he did a performance and then taught us some tricks. The people in my group all got it down pretty quick, and it's honestly a fun activity. WOULD recommend.


Sorry this got a bit long! But I love making these kinds of lists. I'm walking a fine line because it's already 11:47 pm and I still have to add pics, but we'll make it work!

edit: wow made it with 2 min to spare. let's pray this uploads smoothly.


Unknown member
Aug 14, 2019

I love Brave New World, such a great book! But this was a cute post, so many shoutouts!


Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Aug 11, 2019

Oooo I love this post!! It sounds like you've been having such a nice time and meeting so many cool people/deepening friendships with other cool people you already know! I was curious about mid-90's !! Glad to hear you and Aboni's stamps of approval :-) and gotta love soup, always a classic dish. Also that card you made for gariel is so cute. (And what did your palm reading reveal 👀)


Aug 07, 2019

you should definitely go back to get your palm read again!! in fact, we should all get our fortunes read tbh. I've been meaning to watch mid-90s. your good review has convinced me to watch it


Aug 02, 2019

I liked the post! I really like the song I Wish and Rude/Reckless



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