Hello friends!
This week has been rough but you know what that means–it's only up from here!

My weekend started off with my shade falling off my window right after facilities had fixed it. I'm kind of thinking it has it out for me because the first time it fell it almost hit me and this time it sliced one of my plants in half. My topless plant was a pretty sad sight but it did have some babies that I was able to put in dirt. This was Julianne's solution for the shade problem. I thought it was pretty clever:

The next day the weather was nice so Julianne and I went to the plant house to take some photos for my class. We couldn't go inside because it was closed so we walked around the outside. Everything was so lush 🌱

While we were at Lyman we also visited this tree! Isn't she amazing?! We learned about it last year in horticulture. If you look at its bark you might notice that it has vertical lines running up it until about halfway and then the bark pattern changes. This is because, to make the tree grow quickly and in this environment, it had to be grafted. Grafting is when you take part of one plant and join it with a different plant. Once joined, the plants with fuse together (hopefully) and grow as one. Grafting happens for a bunch of different reasons but for this tree they attached the top part of the tree to one that was already established to help it would grow. Sometimes, with grafting one plant's properties will compete with the other and then only one of the plants properties are displayed in the plant. But, as you can see, with this one that didn't happen which is why it has different bark.

On Monday, I had a paper due that I didn't get to until Sunday so I ended up waking up at 4:00am to write it. In the moment, it really sucked but I got to see the sunrise which doesn't happen too often.

Monday's are my least favorite days of the week because they're super long. And this Monday was no exception. After waking up early, doing school, and then having my night class I was drained. So drained that I almost didn't go to the campus center, where unbeknownst to me a package awaited from the one and only Erin Walsh. Inside the package was this lovely gem of a tomato shirt:

The rest of the week was pretty much more of the same–waking up early and staying up late. But I'm trying not to let it consume me, ya know. And so far, I don't think it has.
Also, I'm excited for fall break! It's less than a week away at this point!!!
May your plant live well in the afterlife. But I’m sorry about your week, I hate the weeks when you have to stay up late and wake up early. It’s so insufferable and you don’t want to do it nor honestly have to (like you can ask for an extension or just not do), yet we force ourselves to do so. It really shows how strong our motivation is to learn :) so even though it sucks right now at least you are gaining something from it.
First year whenever I was having a rough time I would sing this one Broken Social Scene song to myself, the chorus is like: "things are gonna get better, 'cus they can't get worse" Thanks for the tree lesson I never knew that :p and rip to your decapitaged plant 😔 glad to see the tomato shirt !!
I can’t believe that that shade did that to your plant. That’s so messed up and I don’t know why the shade would have this sort of vendetta. If you ever need someone to talk to about shades though you should ask Karina. She had a whole time with her shades and facilities. But nevertheless that is a wonderful solution ! That’s sad that the greenhouse was closed :-( but thank u very much for the little lesson on grafting. I’d never know! I only heard about skin grafts that sound much less pleasant. When it comes to writing essays, for me at least, it’s always a matter of staying up until 4 or waking up at 4... no in between…
I'm sorry your week has been rough. Hopefully the weekend can help you get ahead you know