If you think that I have a lot of belongings (that are all necessary!!), you haven't met my mom or seen all of the things we have scattered around Dallas and Boise. Boxes and boxes and boxes....
This past Sunday our family task was to move boxes out of a storage unit into a house. The house is actually the one that I grew up in but now we've been renting it out. Anyways, the whole moving bit was not the most fun but a good number of things were unearthed that I haven't seen in a hot second. A LOT of it were things we definitely didn't need to hold onto (so many bins of old baby clothes) but there were some gems.
My mom has always been adamant about keeping our old school stuff which is good but also at times unnecessary. To me, things like small projects and writing are good to keep but things like pages of math are not worth it.
Here's a sample of stuff I found and am glad we kept --

I see the value of old memories and also feel an urgency of not letting objects go because they're precious and irreplaceable, so I'm trying to be more deliberate about the things I initially hold onto. Having to move in and out of rooms so often though, I'm also starting to better understand what things are worth it and which are not.
Pray that I don't become too much of hoarder and also that my mom will be able to Marie Kondo the ridiculous accumulation of things we have in our garage (although according to her, every individual item sparks joy...)
Some other updates/ thoughts:
- I'm leaving for Smith this Saturday!

- I found out about the host family that I'll be with in Paris :-O. The family is a dad and a 15 yr old son who will only live there part time bc his parents are divorced. This should be interesting bc in my home there's always my mom and sisters. I'm optimistic that it'll be a good experience though!
-I'm going to be in Boston June 28-31 and NYC July 1-5 👀 for any cool cats who might want to hang!!
- I just tried this Japanese mango soda that I recommend
Rip to those beanie babies,, and going through elementary school drawings and art projects is my family's favorite tradition you always find some True Gems
Your sister is so funny! But yeah I was watching hoarding buried alive and they all started out saying everything is important thus they can't throw it out...well this is getting dark so I'll stop lol. And hopefully I can go to NYC with you...
I relate to this so much! Especially the part about trying to be more deliberate with the stuff I hold on to. Your sisters' writing made me laugh. You should get a fish
Reading this made me smile (I like the writings your sisters did on you the most)