Things are a bit hectic this week in that it was Mary's 25th birthday this past Tuesday. Yesterday we had some yummy Vietnamese food in Soho and then this amazing dessert from a special place. And tomorrow we're gonna keep the party going with some karaoke. I've never actually been somewhere specifically for karaoke (not counting Seelye first floor), but I think it could be fun. We also got a cake that I'm excited for!

This week at work has been pretty good. Now that the new guy is trained, we can take different parts of the day. So he's been coming earlier and I've been coming later and staying later. I don't mind it too much because at least I'm not coming early and leaving late. I do feel like I'm getting more of a handle on things. I feel like I can actually answer questions and not be the one to ask them :0 of course there's a lot to learn, but I feel like I'm getting into the role.
This past weekend was fun because Malika stayed over at my apartment! We baked pavlova which is a meringue based dessert with whipped cream and berries. It got a little chaotic (mostly me) particularly when it came to making a lemon curd since we didn't have a more formal double boiler. I think it still came out scrumptious! We've also been watching this French show on Netflix called Drôle. I think it's actually quite a good and funny show so I recommend! It's called Standing Up in English and it's about stand up comedians in Paris (fictional though). The next day we went to Washington Square Park for a bit and talked then parted ways.
With my uncle, Mary, and Zach later, we had more of the pavlova and my uncle wanted me to watch a movie called Midnight in Soho with him. To be fair, I did really want to watch that movie but I don't think it released in France (or if it did it was later and I missed it). I really liked this movie! Not sure if you guys would though tbh
I'm having a lot of fun these days! This coming weekend is also gonna be whirlwind since my Dallas friends and a special surprise someone are gonna visit me in the city to see a concert. I won't lie, I'm a bit stressed thinking about the coordination. For example, one of my friend's flights got pushed and is supposed to arrive at 4:30pm now on Saturday.... the concert starts at 6.... and I've heard airports in general are crazy right now :( I hope things work out but you gotta just go with it. My other friend is arriving Friday morning and I feel bad since I'll be at work and can't help her navigate things. I'm really worried to be honest. I do think my special guest will have things under control. She's a real new englander we'll say. She may be a little out of her element on the Paris metro but I know she's got New York on lock ;)
Anyways, all that being said, I feel like it's been nonstop these past weeks and I definitely NEED a weekend after this of nothingness. You guys totally get it I know. Where I will not leave my bed all day and finally get to call the people I need to catch up with!! FYI we can call sooner than that, but these evenings have just been much with the birthday festivities.

[i need the time to work on this more!!!]

potatoes for you
I love seeing you eating so much yummy food! Really taking life by the balls tho, I hope you get the rest that you need (I already gave you in time comments to your blog post the other day so I won’t repeat ;))
ohhh cool!!!
Hope you guys have fun doing karaoke!!! And glad you are feeling more comfy in the new job, you're already able to train people so that seems like a good sign to me!
A little scared about this surprise someone you alluded to next weekend,,, be safe....and yeah seems like you need time to just float for a bit soon, hope you are able to get it