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Night Owl Becomes Early Bird for a Day


Updated: Sep 6, 2019

Hi friends,

I’m currently in a Starbucks waiting for work to begin. It’s usually rare to find me in the city this early (it’s 8:43am), but today I went to drop Caitlin off at the bus terminal. She’s finally going home for the summer and I cannot wait for her.

When she got to New York (sorry I’m recounting this all in backwards order), we immediately went to Shake Shack to try the black sesame shake. They don’t have milk substitutes there, so we ended up splitting one as to not kill Caitlin’s insides. It was so good that we got one again on Thursday. On the way to Shake Shack, we saw this cute little Volkswagen. The man who owns it said he uses it to sell champagne for his company and that it barely goes 35mph. I asked him if he drove it on the highway and he said that he does, which I thought was brave considering it can’t go very fast. He did say that because it’s a cute looking car he doesn’t get that much shit for driving slowly.

This week has felt both long and short. Yesterday, at work, we went canoeing in the Bronx River and it was so peaceful. Probably my favorite day at work so far. It reminded me of how at one time I had wanted to join the Smith Crew team and I sort of still do except they have practice at like 5am.

Yesterday was also one of the high school interns birthday. The kids surprised her with a card and we celebrated after work with carrot cake. It all felt very sweet.

Next week is my last week of work, and I’m hoping things slow down after that. The semester feels like it’s just around the corner and that is too soon!!

P.S. When I was leaving Starbucks there were two guys at the table behind me and I could have sworn they were speaking Simlish. I could've been wrong and maybe they were speaking a language I have never heard before, but it really did sound like Simlish!

Then, on the way home I saw a group of Amish people and they seemed to be on some sort of tour of the subway system. The man that was with them, who I think was their tour guide, was teaching them about metro cards and how to swipe them. He called on one of the guys in his group to try and get through the turnstile and the guy got it on his first try! He was so pleased with himself.



Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Aug 26, 2019

wow Emma is a Crew Legend but we already knew that would be the case

I support that Amish man so much I hope he’s having a wonderful day rn !

And I know this is a very late comment but yeah I cannot believe the schoolyear starts so soon it is truly terrifying


Unknown member
Aug 14, 2019

Lol that was a cute story, the one about the Amish people. Also, the Bronx river looks so peaceful: how long did y’all canoe on it? But I feel ya on the whole feeling of being quickly propelled towards fall semester. Just last week I felt like fall semester was so far away T-T. And how did the shake taste, like as in the flavor? I tried a few black sesame stuff in Japan and I wasn’t too keen on it. Also, I’m proud you were up so early, do you want to be more of a early birdt? (Heheh you like my added t, it adds a flare right?)


Aug 07, 2019

@abonirosemond that's exactly what gordon Ramsey said until he tried it on Masterchef. I greatly appreciate this chart 🙏. haha blursh! meshaloob blursh! the sims are so polite even when they're tryna be rude


Rachel E
Rachel E
Aug 07, 2019

lol you had me out here thinking simlish was a real language... fooled yet again

that honestly is such a cute car but still.. 35 mph on a highway is such a bold move

idk about black sesame as a shake but if you guys thought it was good then i trust you. whippna choba dog!


Aug 05, 2019

Ummm, black sesame doesn't sound that good, but I am glad you liked it. Also, I love sims.... I added some of the translations to help you figure out what they were saying lol. Also I love the end story about the Amish man getting through the first time.



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