Soooo, this weekend I took the flight from Paris to New York. I was really really sad to leave :( honestly not very much because I’ll miss France perse, but because I was leaving a special someone. Despite the ups and downs, it was a special time for our relationship and now there is a degree of uncertainty in terms of when and where we can meet again. I’m confident the relationship will persist but it’s just hard with things being international and the fact that we both respect each other’s career goals and path. Even now, despite the ever present list of things to do now that I’m in the city, I‘m dealing with those feelings :(.
The departure, transition, and arrival in their entirety are, as we’ve said, bittersweet. Being back in the US is comforting I have to admit. I feel shy talking to people even in shops but when I can speak English it’s a hundred times easier. And being with familiar faces and with people whose company I truly enjoy is refreshing (not to say I don’t truly enjoy my friends in France, you know who you are ;) ). It feels like already a lot has happened and I can see why New York naturally is notorious for its fast pace of life.
My flight was thankfully smooth. It’s tiring no matter what to be on a long flight but it was direct which is all I can ask for. I was stressing beforehand that my luggage would be overweight but in the end it passed no problem. I also got no questions whatsoever about my expired visa which was a relief. When I go to Newark though, I had to stay in a hotel for 3 nights. Mary and Zach tested positive for covid just a few days previously so it was a bit iffy on the contagious period aspect. I did end up staying there for one night after but we just did our best and wore masks all the time.

[gotta have some nerve to be barefooted on the plane]

[honestly I found this meal so yummy]
[I tried to take advantage of the area because I figured I wouldn’t be in Newark again. Their art museum was real cute. They had a cool photo exhibit about Billie Holiday but no pictures were allowed]
Yesterday my mom came in. She’s helping me get everything worked out, and we’re staying in a family friend’s apartment until I find something. Speaking of, now that my mom is here the hunt is officially on. I’ve been looking for places and we have some viewings lined up for the next few days. Fingers crossed that something works out! I don’t know if I updated you all but now the group will be me, my friend, and her brother. I think it should be a good situation, it’s just a matter of finding a place that suits us all.

[my mom slices off a whole chunk of her finger about 2 months ago while cutting fabric for a quilt. they had to cauterize it and it looked nasty but look! Almost completely healed]
Other than hanging out with my family a bunch, I’ve already been able to see some friends :). April was luckily in the city after a conference on the East Coast, so we had Korean food and boba with another Smith friend, Emily. It was a lot of fun and nice to catch up.

[mary gave me a fancy manicure as a birthday gift so I was able to go. I didn’t think it would be so soon but since she had covid she couldn’t make the appointment she had. after Uncle Philip and I went to see the Pride parade a little bit. It was a little hectic for my taste but its ok. I liked seeing people’s outfits. Uncle Philip has at least one iced coffee a day I’d say.]
Today I saw Malika for lunch, boba, and a movie. The food was this vegan Chinese place and it was actually so delicious! So was the boba <3 And the movie was one of my favorites, if not my favorite, that I’ve seen this year. I don’t know if you guys have seen it already but it’s called Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. Afterwards we met with another friend of Malika’s at this store opening event. It wasn’t really my cup of tea because I don’t really like events like that, but I didn’t mind staying a little and chatting.

This week I’ve also been doing various things for my job and it’s all a bit overwhelming. I think once I settle into things I’ll feel better. Also being a homebody, it’s normal that I feel this way I believe.
Stay tuned to see how if I find a place and how the first days of my job go ! I didn’t think I would write so much but I know I need to be better about posting on time. Also it’s nice to just get some thoughts and feelings out.
damn were those dogs on the plane at least service dogs...
glad u r back in the USA and that you've been able to already see so many family members and friends. i really liked EEAAO also!! (also from the future, it's great that you have an apartment now,, In The Heights no less)
Dang you and Aboni were right, this was indeed a juicy post: I wish I read it sooner! But I am glad your travels back to the Americas was smooth outside of the foot sighting 🤮 (tbh, I can get behind seeing people sticking their feets out the window since it is hot and could be a nice breeze on the toes, but the airplane???? that's just unjustified and obscene).
Would you visit Newark again? Also, I think Stray Kids were out there when you were! You could've possibly stumbled across them!
I hope despite the damaged finger that you and your mom were able to properly celebrate your mom's bday!
Your nails look so good, how long did it…
No, that's how I feel every time Thursday rolls around. Overwhelmed to stressed, but once I do post I feel a lot better since some things are off my mind. Ngl seeing you and Erin hanging with friends makes me realize how little I've been socializing this summer. I'm so stressed about COVID a working every day that hanging out is the last thing on my mind lately. That and I don't have money, lol...but I'm sorry you left H, but I'm rooting for y'all. I'm sure y'all be together soon! But fingers and toes are crossed for you to find your apartment. GOOD LUCK!!!