This week I got to catch up with a couple of my friends from high school. On Monday, or New Year's Eve Eve, I visited my friend who lives all the way in Staten Island. It took 2 hours. I was a little worried because I didn't have his address and I've only been to Staten Island twice (this being the second time). But, my friend was nice enough to pick me up at the ferry so I didn't have to figure out the buses. On the train ride over, I saw one of those ads for Casper, the mattress company. I love solving the puzzles in the ads, but I couldn't figure this one out.
Please comment below if you know what the answer is!!

At my friends house, we watched Euphoria. I liked it but I have no way to watch it so I guess I'll just have to wait for it to be on some streaming service. We also played this game called We're Not Really Strangers. It's a card game where you ask each other questions about the other person. The idea is that you can play it with someone to get to know them better. I told Messiah that he should go to Union Square and get strangers to play with him like those people that challenge strangers to chess games. I don't think he's gonna do it though.
Yesterday, I hung out with my friend Isabella. We went to brunch at this place called Poco near our high school. Now that I'm out of high school I always discover these places right by Nest that I never knew existed when I went there. I guess I never really had the time for that anyways back then.

After brunch we got bubble tea at Boba Guys. My one true love. I forgot to take a picture of the drink I got but it's on their insta, so I'll find it. I got a Strawberry Matcha Latte, which may sound like an odd combo but it's so good. Well, everything at Boba Guys is good.

Then we slurped and caught each other up on our lives. Her little brother is in the process of applying to college, which is wild to think about. She was telling me how stressful it is for him and all the supplements he has to write. On one hand, I felt like I could empathize with him because not too long ago that was me but in a lot of ways I felt like I couldn't. As bad as this may sound, once I go through an experience I tend to forget what it was like. And I think about that a lot. Even though I know it was difficult and that the stress, in the moment, feels inescapable, I can't remember a lot of the finer details that came with that. I kept trying to think about things that comforted me when I was that age–words or advice that made everything feel like it was going to be okay–but I couldn't think of any.
In other news, housing for my abroad program came out yesterday!! I got the dorm/apartment style housing which is what I was hoping for. I'm in a building with three other Smithies and I have a roommate. I haven't found out how many people are in our flat yet, so I guess it'll be a surprise. Not too concerned about it though, I was telling Naoni as long as they clean up after themselves and are relatively nice it should be all good. It's starting to set in that I'm leaving real soon. I'm excited but also don't really know what to expect so I'm kinda nervous 😬. But I'm determined to make it good 🙃 !
I don't really make new year's resolutions but I have given it some thought. These are some things that have been floating around my head lately:
- I want to start documenting things more. I think this will help me remember things better
- GROW 🌱!
- Be present
- Read more (this is never not on my mind)
- Take ur vitamins 💊
- I know I should try to take better care of myself during the school year, so I guess that'll go on here too...but I feel like what that really boils down to is: managing my time better and planning ahead (both good things to strive for)
This is unrelated to anything but I just remembered it. I had my nail clipper on top of my tweezers the other day and as I passed my desk I was like I should clip my nails. And then I was like I'll do it tomorrow. And now it's tomorrow and they're both gone! My desk is kinda messy at the moment so I thought maybe I lost it in the mess, but they're not there. So the conclusion I've come to is that they've fallen in the black hole/the gremlins took them. I know they'll come back but I wonder when. Does this ever happen to you guys? It happens to me all the time.
I wanna try boba guys! But I always forget about them when I go to NYC. Anyway, I think your resolutions and achievable and I think you can do if you really put forth the effort :))
ooh sounds like nice times with friends! That game sounds interesting, I don't think I would ever have the confidence to do it with strangers either but it would be cool if your friend did :0
Those sound like good goals/resolutions! I've been thinking about how to document my life more too. I'm glad that this blog at least forces me to do that a little.
I lose stuff like that way too often...I still think about the lego minifigures me and my siblings lost when we were kids. We just had to write Phil out of our Lego Cinematic Universe and the other characters would talk about him in reverent tones...miss him so much...
Also impressed with Rachel for…
update: Caitlin has alerted me that the puzzle is not one long puzzle. It's three!! So the first is lights out and the last is blanket pig (thanks Caitlin :))). But I still don't know the middle. They all have to do with sleep tho
The picture has something like: i slept (light leaving im not sure) needed something aboit pigs in à blanket
Ohh I think I saw those kinds of ads when I was in New York and I was v confused. And I stay confused I guess bc Im sorry I’m stumped too :/ This sounds like a nice break!! Before leaving for a bit it’s nice to see everyone. And that brunch looks amazing ?!? I want to watch euphoria too but idk when/if that’ll ever happen bc I don’t have the streaming service either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hmm I think after I go through something hard like college apps I have stuff to say but also yeah it’s easy to feel removed from it. I often feel like I made a bigger deal out of things than I needed to I think The…