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Lisbon, Rome, Atlanta Oh My

Writer's picture: abonirosemondabonirosemond

I just bought my ticket home, and it feels really real that my time in France is coming to an end. It's kind of sad if I'm being honest. It was definitely an adjustment to living in France. I feel like with my words I was like "I live in France of course I'm not going to have the same amenities as I do in France," but my actions were the total opposites. I had to get adjusted to banks being closed Sunday, Monday. Stores and closing around 11-4 and restaurants opening for dinner at 7pm. And learning to appreciate French cuisines for its simplicity (though I think this is the one thing that bothers me most about France lol, where's the SEASONING!!!). But with my time coming to an end, I want to go to as many places in Europe before I go. On my list in France I wanted to go to Bordeaux, Amiens, the catacombs (in Paris), and Giverny before I go which I feel like I'm on track for going to all of them. But I also made plans to go to Lisbon once the program ended, and it's proving to be more stressful than I thought priorly, so now I need to spend a little more wisely and save a little more than usual. Plus in about 6 weeks I'm going to Rome with y'all (Rachel, Naoni, and Erin) and honestly to be able to actually enjoy myself I don't think I'm going to be bouncing around Italy with y'all because my pockets simply can't, but I AM going to thoroughly enjoy Italy (I heard Italy is cheap, so maybe I can eat out for every meal lol). Oh! But May 10th I'll be back in Atlanta, and I'm very excited. My niblings are growing too fast, my sister and parents are maturing, and my high school friends are all growing up. It would be nice to spend a couple of months in Atlanta to just catch up with everyone and spend some quality time with them before I leave again (trying to manifest a good interview next week 🤡). I also want to go back to working at Chipotle so that I can waste my money on Starbucks before my shift and ending it with a free veggie bowl...those were the times...Anyway here are some pics from this week and I'll catch y'all next week!

1) my view after the rocks were reflecting a little bit too much sunlight into my room (I woke up grumpy, but it looked pretty)

2)Cursed image 1 (a photo Naoni shared to "boost" my self-esteem)

3) Cursed image 2 (refer to 1 for explanation)

4) Cursed image 3 (refer to 1 for explanation)

5) An actual good photo of me, but I dressed up like this to eat at Golden Corral for thanksgiving at Smith one year with Kiara, Brenda, Adonis (ki-ki's bf), and Naoni

6) My cute niblings are home once again and were camera happy lol

7) A religeuse a very tasty pastry that I decided to eat in remembrance of my late Grandfather's b-day (it was the same place I went to when I found out that he passed)

8) A picture my student drew for me, they always draw cute/funny stuff and I want to remember more of them, so I want to take pictures of it more often :))

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Erin Walsh
Erin Walsh
Feb 14, 2022

im surprised you want to go back to Chipotle lol i guess distance really does make the heart fonder.

I'm excited for you to knock some stuff off your Europe bucket list. I feel like you guys just left for France it's crazy!! but it sounds like you have really been making the most of your time there and getting a lot out of it <3


Feb 09, 2022

Lol I like the little picture they drew, it’s funny 😂😂. But I shared those photos just cuz, I wasn’t trying to help your self-esteem or whatevs. But in either case, I, just like you, am excited for Lisbon and Italy!



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