Phew! Ok, now I am all caught up with the posting, and it's only looking forward from here on out. Not that it's not nice to take a walk down memory lane!
This week is the week coming back from vacation and also the last week of our TAPIF contract. As they say, tempus fugit :( Well I don't feel like it went by in a blink, but it is absolutely wild that it's the end of our time teaching.
I work Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, so it's my off day before the last last day for me. Already, I had to say goodbye to some of my classes and it makes me sad. I mean, I'll be happy to be able to relax the next few months, but the kids really do make it worth it. I made a good choice in choosing elementary level. At least for myself :) In terms of progress the kids made with English, I'm not so sure if I really made them advance much more than they would have. But honestly I wouldn't really expect to. At that age I think just exposure and introduction is what's helpful. Also I'm pretty sure English is the 3rd or even 4th language for a lot of these kids, so props to them for even retaining anything. I'm just happy they are enthusiastic and have a good attitude. Even the kids that don't always are willing to try.
Since coming back from Rome I've mainly been reading and knitting and being lazy. I started a cardigan! I'm a little hesitant on the colors, but I'm just praying that the fit will be good. So far, it's going well but you never know. I finished a pair of strawberry socks I started about a month ago as well! When you work with multiple colors in knitting, it can be tricky, but I think it was good attempt for my first time :) Oh! Also I cooked a little bit. After tomorrow, I'll hopefully be able to try out more recipes. Right now my mind is on scallion pancakes, pancakes in general, and ratatouille. They all seem simple enough and don't need an oven so stay tuned.
Before tomorrow I'm trying to make a last minute gift for my teachers. I wish I could do something for all the kids but there's about 300 of them and funds are a bit low at the moment so no candy or treats :( My current plan is to make rice krispie treats for the teachers and one card for every class (there are 15 I think o_o) so please wish me luck LOL
I'm proud because I'm always scared to work with raw chicken but I finally did it and I would say it was a success :D They were some coconut/bread crumb coated chicken nuggets

And the nuggs look good: I’m impressed! And everything in bloom is so cool and pretty to see!!!
I love the sock, it’s so cool! The card thing is a good idea, I wish I would’ve done that! But yeah, the TAPIF program was long and short. Like I felt like in November/December it was forever and by March it felt like there was still so much time, but April was so fast! Everything happened all at once and already the last day of class occurred. It’s crazy. I’m glad you are enjoyed your students, elementary school seems so fun :)))
Oh la la, I like the pic of the tree. Also, your socks looks pretty dope.