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It's Over Baby 👶🏼 !


Updated: Jan 3, 2020

The semester is over!!! And what a great feeling it is. Today, I woke up at 10:45 and thought about how I could lay in bed all day if I wanted.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. I got to present my photography final and look at my classmates' projects. It was really rewarding to see everyone's hard work come to life after getting to know them for a semester.

Recently, there have been posters all around campus with different phrases on it. They say things like: "Is that you? Are you sure?" or "Hey are you going the wrong way?". Then, a couple days ago, other ones were put up that said "Thursday Chapin Lawn 7:00pm", so naturally everyone thought there would be something happening at 7:00pm. Well, some people thought there would be nothing and it would all be one big joke but people were still curious. I thought it would be either an art installation (because I saw them in Hillyer first) or a social experiment to see how many people show up or to get people to talk to one another. Anna, Cordelia and I ended up going for ten minutes along with like 150 other people, but like people expected there was nothing there. Afterwards, Anna and I went to Hillyer to look at my pictures and we ran into Amelia. She told us that she had a friend who was in an art class and their final was to "engage the Smith community", so now I'm assuming that's what that was. But who really knows? I thought it was interesting.

This past weekend was also Winter Weekend. The theme was Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination after the Met Gala theme.


It was okay, it felt super short this year.

On Saturday, we also had Caitlin's radio show. Naoni and I stayed up really late the night before so we were really tired, but it was nice to hang out and be with friends.

Okay I gotta wrap this up cause we're going to Drag Bingo!



Unknown member
Dec 31, 2019

Yeah, a lot of people were making a big deal about the signs. But idk, they felt harmless :// anyways I’m glad you went to drag bingo, you got to rack up something good ;)


Unknown member
Dec 30, 2019

Hmm not exactly a satisfying ending to the mysterious ness of those signs around the school... but interesting I guess I saw some people on Facebook were upset with the signs but I don’t find the phrases too threatening? Everyone takes things differently tho



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