I'll keep this week short and sweet,, I haven't been up to all that much.
This past Saturday Mary came back from DC. So now it's just Simon that's not at home. Pretty cool to have almost everyone back now though!

One cool thing I did this week was sew a bag (and matching scrunchie sksks) with my mom! Wellll, it was more like she told me exactly what to do and I followed her instructions. It turned out actually very professional I think. If I had done it by myself it would have been garbage, but my mom has always liked sewing and is really good at making everything neat/perfect. Can't wait to show it off when things are "back to normal". When that will be, I can't say.

Other than that, I've been thinking/ruminating about my *future* and what I should do after graduation. I know for sure I won't be applying to medical school straight after. And I've been thinking about doing Peace Corps, which is a 2 year commitment. It's really helpful that Stephanie did it, and she's been letting me talk to her friends who did it too. The more I talk to them, the more I think I want to do it (specifically in the Philippines) and think, more importantly, I can do it. This is an experience I want for myself, and I'm confident it will be helpful in clarifying why I want to go to medical school (who knows, maybe it'll make me think more about why I shouldn't). One main tricky aspect in all of this though is the MCAT. The score only is good for 3 years, so I need to be careful about when I take it. I know people in our year have already taken it or are planning to soon, so it's hard for me not to compare myself. But also, I have to remember everyone is doing their own thing and I want to take it when I'm most ready. I know it's not a choice for a lot of people, but applying/entering medical school straight out of undergrad is crazy to me. You're competing against people who could be 5-10 (or more) years older than you and experience to match! But also that's their choice. I'm glad though that Smith is accepting and encouraging of students applying when they're most ready and everything.

I don't have much more to say for this week, stay cool everyone! I hope you enjoyed my colors.
I can’t believe you caught a pic of me at my low ;P. In regards to the age ole question, what to do after college, I’m kind of at a crossroad. Idk whether to do peace corp (the only issue being the time commitment) or work as an EMT (the only issue being it wouldn’t be as fulfilling). Do you have a second option tho if you don’t potentially do med school? But yeah, I am stressed by medical school too, there’s honestly too many hoops to jump through T-T. And I was talking to Claire, and she was telling me how all the nerds at Oxford have already done their MCATs and/or gotten into medical school which is not only…
Big fan of the colors :^) the scrunchie and bag look cool!
And yeah, I definitely think it seems crazy to apply to grad school while you're still in undergrad, especially considering how big of a commitment med school is and stuff! Seems like a good idea to take some time off from academic-y stuff, and Peace Corps seems like a really great experience :0
@aboni phew I’m glad you feel the same way (like not in that I’m glad you’re stressed of course but I think of you as someone who knows your plan, so it’s reassuring) Yes, indeed, who knows
Enjoy the picture of Naoni crying XD. But yeah medical school seems so stressful to the point that I’m ignoring it but I know I wanna take a gap year but how long. Who knows. So scary lol, but peace corp seems cool though.